Drug Database in North Carolina – Lee County Sheriff Tracy Carter

And continuing the police-state theme for random pat-downs in Philadelphia and warrantless GPS tracking, North Carolina Sheriffs want access to the States Prescription Database.  “We can better go after those who are abusing the system,” said Lee County Sheriff Tracy Carter.

Of course, if Lee County installs video cameras in everyone’s home, they could “better go after those who are abusing” their spouses.  If Sheriffs could review all your financial records they could “better go after those who are” dealing in cash.  Oh wait, the Federal Government wants to do that already with 1099s.

The standard for a free country is not to make it easier to monitor the citizens in order to “better go after” someone.  The standard is freedom.

It would me much easier to “better go after” people in a police state where everything is monitored, but no one who values freedom over convenience would care to live in such a place.