Category Archives: Constitution

2018 Florida Amendments Voting – for Freedom in Florida

Voting for Liberty on Florida’s Constitutional Amendments​, 2018:

Amendment #1—Increases the Homestead Property Exemption Vote YES

Amendment #2—Limitations on Property Tax Assessments – Vote YES

Amendment #3—Voter Control of Gambling in Florida Vote YES (take it from the lobbyists)

Amendment #4—Restoration of Voting Rights Vote NO

Amendment #5—Super majority required for tax & fee increases Vote YES

Amendment #6—Rights of Crime Victims; Judges – varies

Amendment #7—1st Responder and Military Survivor Benefits; Public Colleges & Universities – Vote NO

Amendment #9—Prohibits Offshore Oil & Gas Drilling; Restricts Vaping – Vote NO

Amendment #10—State& Local Government & Operation – Vote NO

Amendment #11—Property Rights; Removal of Obsolete Provision; Criminal Statutes – Vote YES

Amendment #12—Lobbying and Abuse of Office by Public Officers – Vote YES

Amendment #13—Dog Racing – Vote NO (should be up to the legislature and individuals in a free country).

(some of the “no”s because they belong in the legislature, not the Constitution.)

Florida Voting 2018 – vote freedom for Florida

In general if you are voting for freedom, you should not be voting Democrat in Florida 2018.

You have a socialist – you work, I’ll eat – running for Governor and it continues on down the Democrat side of the ticket. The socialists, fascists, and communists – any authoritarian – can’t stand freedom and a President who is rolling back taxes, regulations, and government. It might cut off some of their “free” stuff. Here is a clue, nothing is free, you are either paying for it for yourself or using force to make someone else pay for it for you. The Democrat party fought a civil war to defend that in the old South and are still peddling the same abuse of one group for the benefit of another today.

The collectivist authoritarians – fascist, socialist, communist, it doesn’t matter the label – of the left have one goal and it is power over people and their lives. In short, enslaving people to fund their choices and do their bidding at the point of a gun. Their goal is Venezuela, Cuba, Mao’s China, the USSR, Eastern Europe of the 1950s through 1980s etc: anti-liberty prisons where the masses of people are forced to fund a small elite.

Don’t be one of the Left’s useful idiots. Vote freedom.

Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will destroy the Government, unless you be allowed to construe and enforce the Constitution as you please – Lincoln

“Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will destroy the Government, unless you be allowed to construe and enforce the Constitution as you please, on all points in dispute between you and us. You will rule or ruin in all events.” Abraham Lincoln

Hillary Clinton now wearing “Life Alert” at public events such as

Was former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton while at on July 22, 2018 wearing a Life Alert type device?  It is hard to tell from the photos we’ve seen.  It clearly does not match the “Life Alert” brand exactly, but it doesn’t match her jewelry either. It seems a lot more functional.

What do you think it is?


Hillary Clinton, Life Alert at

(Link:×900/8/9/7/127897_zenya_clinton_00005copy_0.jpg )





Rule of Law vs Rule of Whim, Continued

Rule of Law vs Rule of Whim?

Harkening back to previous comments about the difference between the Rule of Law and the Rule of a Whim ( ) Federal district judge James Robart of Seattle’s recent ruling embodies the difference between the rule of law and the rule of whim.

Federal immigration law, Section 1182(f), could not be clearer:

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

When the judiciary ignores the law, the meaning of the “law” is lost. We are then no longer a country of laws, not men, we are a country of men’s whims, not law.

You have the Right to Remain Innocent – James Duane. Just one error.

If you haven’t seen James Duane’s video, you should spend the 20 minutes and watch his portion (

Professor Duane has a book out (Amazon affiliate link below) which everyone should read – the short summary is: do not talk to the police without an attorney present.

He only has one error while talking about the shear number of laws on the books. On page 25 he says:

The monstrous potential for injustice created by this modem farce has become, quite by accident, the most important reason why the Fifth Amendment is now more precious than ever before.

He believes that the proliferation of laws that can be enforced or not is by accident. It is not. It is intentional. What better way to keep a populace in control than by making them a nation of lawbreakers – 3 felonies a day Professor Duane states? Guilt and potential prosecution make people pliable and that is the goal. We no longer have a limited government.

What he neglects to mention or perhaps to consider is that if it wasn’t for the far-left’s expansion of the size and scope of the Federal government, much of this need would be negated. The US Constitution was written as a document of enumerated powers with the Bill of Rights being a secondary backstop to governmental power. With the expansion of the reach of the government over the past 100-150 years, the relationship has been flipped with the left believing the US Constitution is a document of enumerated liberties.

The impact of the authoritarian expansion of the Federal government is felt everywhere, notably in criminal law. Hopefully Professor Duane considers the matter deeper in the future and realizes that at root, the cause is not as superficial as he believes.

His advice remains accurate even if he doesn’t ponder the true cause deeply enough.

Here is the book:

COOK: No one should have to decide between privacy or security. We should be smart enough to do both

APPLE’s Tim Cook: “Do we want our nation to be secure? Of course. No one should have to decide between privacy or security. We should be smart enough to do both. Both of these things are essentially part of the Constitution.”

None of us should accept that the government or a company or anybody should have access to all of our private information. This is a basic human right.

“I want to be absolutely clear that we have never worked with any government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of our products or services. We have also never allowed access to our servers. And we never will.” “None of us should accept that the government or a company or anybody should have access to all of our private information. This is a basic human right. We all have a right to privacy. We shouldn’t give it up. We shouldn’t give in to scare-mongering.”

Tim Cook, Apple CEO, September 2014 and 2015