Category Archives: Racists

Helen Thomas tells Jews to go back to Germany

Helen Thomas tells Jews to go back to Germany. Once Helen Thomas, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama and the rest of Congress and the administration return to the native lands of their forefathers, then they can bring this up. After all, if you go back far enough no one is from the United States. If you only go back 500 years, well, everyone knows the history. How long has there been a Jewish presence in Israel? 4000 years or more?

Helen Thomas, racist and anti-semite.

Helen Thomas says: “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine. Remember, these people are occupied and it’s their land. Not Germany. Not Poland.” When asked what the Jews should do, Thomas said “They go home. Poland. Germany. And America and everywhere else.”

Read more:

Red Cross supports terrorists – Taliban, Hamas, Darfur

CNN reports that “the International Committee of the Red Cross is defending its practice of providing medical training and basic medical supplies to the Taliban in Afghanistan.”  In other words, the Red Cross is supporting the terrorists in Afghanistan – for four years!  The Red Cross also states “it has provided similar training in Darfur, Sudan and to Hamas members in Gaza.”  So the Red Cross supports terrorists in Sudan, Hamas, and racist genocide in Darfur.  What a wonderful illustration of the problems with the Red Cross.

As if it makes it all okay, the Red Cross says it is not “training the Taliban in surgical skills; the focus [is] on stabilizing those injured.”   Stabilizing injured terrorists makes it okay for the Red Cross – stabilizing terrorists so they can then come back and attack again.

When the Red Cross chooses to support individuals that intentionally try to kill innocent people, they are no longer neutral, the Red Cross has picked a side, the side of killers.

What a wonderful mission the Red Cross has undertaken, it is sick to help people who are intentionally out to kill innocent civilians. No one who values freedom should send any financial support to an organization like the Red Cross that supports a terrorist organization bent on violence and destroying the liberty of free people through terror.

Obama to send 1200 troops to Mexico border. That was racist last week.

The Obama administration plans to announce Tuesday that it will send as many as 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to improve border security, an Arizona congresswoman said.

Last week enforcing immigration law was “racist”.  What has changed?

1200 soldiers, around 2000 miles of border between the United States and Mexico. 24 hours per day. You do the math.

Gringo Mask created by Racists at Zubi Advertising

A Miami advertising group – Zubi Advertising – has created the Gringo Mask.  Now imagine that someone had created a “[hispanic ethnic slur] mask.”  The United States flag would be hanging upside down and there would be protests everywhere.  Talk about a racist advertising group.  Imagine that after this imaginary group was criticized, they said what Zubi Advertising says: ‘We understand from your responses that some people might equate the word “Gringo” with an ethnic slur.  We do not.  It is simply a slang term used to describe Caucasians, and we don’t assign any negative connotations to it.’

So as long as ANYONE does not believe any “slang” is an “ethnic slur,” according to Zubi, you can use it.  Free reign for the racists at the KKK, the anti-semites like Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson, and racists like Spike “handkerchief-head, chicken-and-biscuit-eating Uncle Tom” Lee (on Clarence Thomas).

It is interesting that the racists at Zubi Advertising who created are advocating criminal behavior on the part of illegal aliens.  What other crimes do the racists at Zubi Advertising support?

One has to apply the new standards of racism equally now.

State Senator Kevin Parker (D-NY-RACIST) – Video

Check out State Senator Kevin Parker resorting to calling people who disagree with him racist. The State Senator, who has been ordered to anger management classes after being accused of punching a traffic agent and who is under felony indictment for assaulting a news photographer is unable to argue an issue on the merits and instead throws the racist label around. If he listened to his own comments, he’d realize that the true racist is himself. Instead he tries to use his skin color to protect himself from debate. And New Yorker’s elected this racist clown? They should be ashamed.

Here is the video, skip forward to the 20:45 minute mark to see the fireworks, the video shows what a complete and utter racist, buffoon State Senator Kevin Parker is:



Elena Kagan not gay says White House, but is there something wrong with it if she is?

The headline:

“White House complains about CBS News [Washington Post] blog post saying that possible Supreme Court nominee is gay.”

So, my question is, what is wrong with being gay?  Does the White House have a problem if she is gay?  Is there anyone except the White House who cares?

[May 10, 2010 Update:] Elena Kagan’s friends: She’s not gay [Politico].  Again, is there something wrong with being gay that everyone is having a spasm about it?  Who cares if she is or isn’t?

Democrats adopt the Jim Crow “one drop rule” to attack critics of President Obama as ‘racists’!

The “one drop rule” was one of the most odious and infamous rules of the Jim Crow era.  Now it being given new life by the Democrat Party in order to silence criticism of President Obama.  The Democrat machine uses it to impugn the “race” of President Obama.  Instead of accepting the fact that critics of the President are attacking his policies, the Democrat establishment attacks those who disagree with the President as “racists.”

Ignoring for now the stupidity of believing skin color or eye color or hair color is an indication of “race” – we’re all part of the human race – what the Democrat defenders are saying is that “since the President is ‘black’ anyone who attacks him is a racist.”

Now why is that relevant?  Simple.  President Obama’s father was “black” from Kenya. President Obama’s mother was “white” from Kansas.  Now to be labeled a “racist” for attacking the President’s policies, one has to accept that President Obama is “black.” Given that one parent was “white” and the other “black,” one must accept the most repulsive, vile, and repugnant “one drop rule” from the Jim Crow era – which meant that “one drop of ‘black blood'” essentially made one “non-white.” In fact, it was much worse than that. In 1911, Arkansas pass Act 320, a.k.a. the “one-drop rule,” making “interracial cohabitation” a felony and defining as “Negro” anyone “who has…any negro blood whatever.”  The Supreme Court remedied this stupidity in 1967 when it over-turned the Racial Integrity Act of 1924, but now the racists in the Democrat Party want to bring it back.  (For an authoritative discussion, see the book “Who is Black” by F. James Davis, excerpts of which are available on the internet).

Are the people who say that attacks on the President’s policies are racist really advocating adoption of the “one drop rule”? Are the racist Democrats really espousing the “one drop rule” for the President? They are making the argument that the most infamous racists in history were making: that one drop of “black” blood makes you black.  The “one drop” rule, infamous in the Jim Crow era.  Talk about the critics embracing the worst of the racist past and using it to call others racist!

Skin color is irrelevant, freedom and policies are the only concerns.  The true racists are those who think that one’s skin color is relevant and that the “one drop” rule should apply to the President.  The President would get the same criticism whomever his parents were, just as President Bush did  for some of his idiotic policies.  Under the Jim Crow system employed regarding criticism of President Obama, a black mother can never have a white baby, while a white mother can have a black baby.  Is that rational?  Is it even relevant?  No, dividing people by skin color is a technique used to gather power by the divide and conquer mentality.  People have the right to be free no matter their eye color, hair color or skin color.  This policy means so much for Thurgood Marshall’s insistence that “classifications and distinctions based upon race or color have no moral or legal validity in our society” and Martin Luther King’s wish that his children would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Family history and genealogy is a wonderful treasure, but it has no place in government policy.  “Race” is a bad concept who’s time has long gone.  Everyone in the United States is “American” without any hyphens.  It is time that people started to behave that way.

Dan Rather – Obama couldn’t “sell watermelons on highway if a state trooper…”

Check out Racist Democrat, former CBS anchor Dan Rather saying that Obama couldn’t “sell watermelons on highway if a state trooper was flagging down traffic.”

Notice that he echoes Joe Biden’s comment about President Obama being “articulate.” Was Chris Matthews’ leg tingling then? Talk about out of touch!  Notice how quickly Chris Matthews tries to change the topic and get Rather off the “watermelons” comment?

…independents will buy this argument, he just hasn’t been leading.  Look at the health care bill, his number one priority  and it took him for everything through and he had to compromise it to death.  And a version of listen, he’s a nice person and very articulate, this is what’s going to be used against him, but he couldn’t sell watermelons on highway if a state trooper was flagging down traffic.”

Reid-Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today which is really good.

“Today is a big day in America.  O-only 36,000 people lost their jobs today which is really good.

Racist Democrat Senator Harry “no Negro dialect” Reid stated March 5, 2010

And then he said “If we socialize medicine, only 270 million people will lost the worlds best health care system, which is really good for our power over you.”  Oh wait, he just thinks that.

Does that mean if roughly half are men that we have 18,000 more “men, [who] when they’re out of work, tend to become abusive?” (As Reid said Feb 23, 2010).