Whenever you hear people talking about “a living Constitution,” almost invariably they are people who are in the process of slowly killing it…Sowell

From Thomas Sowell:
Whenever you hear people talking about “a living Constitution,”
almost invariably they are people who are in the process of
slowly killing it by “interpreting” its restrictions on government
out of existence.

Do either Barack Obama or his followers have any idea how many
countries during the 20th century set out to “spread the wealth”
— and ended up spreading poverty instead? At some point, you
have to turn from rhetoric, theories and ideologies to facts.

I am so old that I can remember when liberals were liberal — instead
of being intolerant of anything and anybody that is not politically

If you truly believe in the brotherhood of man, then you must
believe that blacks are just as capable of being racists as
whites are.

One of the most foolish, and most dangerous, things one can
do is to take love for granted, instead of nurturing it and
safeguarding it as the prize jewel of one’s life.