Flu virus with ‘pandemic potential’ found in China It appears to be able to infect people, although pigs are the hosts, say experts.
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Monthly Archives: June 2020
Hate speech Is used to Shut You up
“Hate speech” is a term used by fascists, socialists, communists and other authoritarians to shut people up – when they can’t win an argument that involves liberty vs control, they want people to be shutdown and shut up. It is a slippery, subjective concept that allows those defining it to silence those with whom they disagree.
Always look to see who the arbiter of what is “hate speech” and you’ll see who will benefit from it in terms of wealth and power.
Russia paid Taliban BOUNTIES for killing U.S. troops in Afghanistan
Russia paid Taliban BOUNTIES for killing U.S. troops in Afghanistan
Gates: in the US “it’s going to be black people who really should get first and many indigenous people”
Fact check: Photo shows Biden with Democrat Senator Byrd, who was ‘Exalted Cyclops’ of KKK, but wasn’t a grand wizard. Joe
The so-called fact checkers will label some posts about this false because some people have called Byrd a “grand wizard” instead of “exalted cyclops”. As usual covering for the racists is the number one job of the “fact checkers”.
Note Democrat Senator Joe Manchin above Robert Byrd in the photo. A great photo of some overt racists.

(AP, Oct 24, 2008)
See, e.g.:
Fauci: Public health officials lied about masks
Interesting, now Fauci is admitting that that public health officials lied about the effectiveness of masks to preserve supplies for first responders. Of course anyone with any common sense knew they were lying about it earlier this year. Of course, anyone with any common sense knew they were lying about it earlier this year.
TheHill: “[Fauci] also acknowledged that masks were initially not recommended to the general public so that first responders wouldn’t feel the strain of a shortage of PPE. [Fauci] explained that public health experts “were concerned the public health
community, and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply.”
The CDC, WHO, and “officials” have been lying from the start. It is just nice (well, maybe not nice, but validating) to hear Fauci say what everyone with above a room temp IQ knew when the surgeon general and all the health officials were saying (among other things), “masks aren’t effective” and then 6-8 weeks later say they are. It wasn’t a question of new data, it was a question of self-serving lying by public officials which undoubtedly cost people their lives.
So, in short, “Fauci lied, people died.”
One wonders how much they were they also lying about in the Coronavirus Task Force meetings to the VP, President etc?
Who orchestrated this lie? Will there be hearings?
Why did the CDC and others lie about it? Why politicize it by lying?
Raising awareness vs doing something
How about all these people trying to “raise awareness” actually DO something instead of “advocating” for someone else to do something? Does anyone really think that there are more than 50 people in the USA who are not “aware” and need to have their “awareness raised”? Stop “advocating” and do something positive yourself. Go build a house for people with Habit for Humanity. Go get a job and work and then donate the proceeds to the people who need it. Go plant a garden (Mike Bloomberg says it is easy) and donate the food you grow to people who need it. Go buy a gun and protect people. Go help clean up stores and property damaged by riots. Go back to school, get an MD and help people in need with their medical needs. Get a JD and represent these people in court. Go to the police academy and become an officer so you can do it right. Get an accounting degree, engineering or something like that and use it to help. People need to get off their behinds and out from behind the keyboard, off instagram, Facebook, twitter etc, and actually do something instead of sitting around demanding someone else do something.
Stop accepting that more horrendous incidents like “George Floyd” will happen, get out from behind the keyboard and do something. Stop senseless death like that by taking action, accepting the challenge and fixing things instead of expecting “someone else” to do so.