The question whether life is fair is very different from the question whether a given society’s rules are fair.

[T]he question whether life is fair is very different from the question whether a given society’s rules are fair. Society’s rules can be fair in the sense of using the same standards of rewards and punishments for everyone. But that barely scratches the surface of making prospects or outcomes the same.

Continue reading The question whether life is fair is very different from the question whether a given society’s rules are fair.

“Austerity” vs Growth

The false dichotomy in Europe is “austerity vs growth”.  When politicians use the word “austerity” they mean austerity for government.  Austerity for government is a good thing – it means freedom for people and growth for the economy.  Austerity for government means that you get to keep more of the money you make and decide for yourself how you want to spend it.

”Our government is wiping its a– with the Constitution.” – Ted Nugent

”Our government is wiping its a– with the Constitution.  We’ve got four Supreme Court justices who don’t believe in the Constitution. Does everybody here know that four of the Supreme Court justices not only determined you don’t have the right to keep and bear arms, four Supreme Court justices signed their name to a declaration that Americans have no fundamental right to self-defense? That sounds like a stoned hippie. That doesn’t sound like a Supreme Court anything.”  – Ted Nugent, April 17, 2012

Last year, almost 1,800 people renounced their U.S. citizenship or handing in their Green Cards.

(Reuters) – A year ago, in Action Comics, Superman declared plans to renounce his U.S. citizenship.

Last year, almost 1,800 people followed Superman’s lead, renouncing their U.S. citizenship or handing in their Green Cards. That’s a record number since the Internal Revenue Service began publishing a list of those who renounced in 1998. It’s also almost eight times more than the number of citizens who renounced in 2008, and more than the total for 2007, 2008 and 2009 combined.

what it is about California , but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office.

Quote Of the Day from The Los Angeles Times:

“Frankly, I don’t know what it is about California , but we seem to have a strange urge
to elect really obnoxious women to high office.  I’m not bragging, you understand, but
no other state, including Maine, even comes close.  When it comes to sending left-wing
dingbats to Washington, we’re Number One. There’s no getting around the fact that the
last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and
Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on ‘Macbeth’. The
four of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don’t know
if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form
words.”   ~ Columnist Burt Prelutsky, Los Angeles Times