Phoenix Officer Greco fired after thug like behavior and potential abuse of power including saying “I’ve got one tool, to beat people up and take them to jail”. From the video this type of person should not be in a position of power anywhere.
Monthly Archives: July 2013
Unconstitutional July 4th Police search by A J Ross
On July 4th 2013, the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office in Tennessee held a DUI checkpoint. The video below shows the results of one person asserting their Constitutional rights and the officer demonstrating yet again police often do not know the law they are sworn to protect and defend. The officer should be fired.
Your rights are like muscles, exercise them or lose them.
Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office
(615) 898-7770
those who most fear investigations are the ones who attack free press first.
“Thomas Jefferson, 250 years ago, said those who most fear investigations are the ones who attack free press first. This is what journalism is about, shining a light on what the most powerful people in the country are doing to them in the dark. So we’re going to continue to do that no matter what David Gregory and his friends say.”
Glenn Greenwald, July 2, 2013 on Fox and Friends