Academia is only one of the places where wholly subjective criteria rule – …

Academia is only one of the places where wholly subjective criteria rule – and where leftists predominate. Endowed institutions such as foundations and museums likewise often face no test other than what like-minded people find ‘exciting’ and what enables those who run these institutions to get the heady feeling that they are ‘making a difference.’ Thomas Sowell
Dr. Thomas Sowell, Economist and Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford, California, Forbes September 8, 1997

Back when the great society – when the war on poverty began, which …

Back when the great society – when the war on poverty began, which poverty won – from 1965 to 1980 – in those 15 years, the federal budget increased to five times what it had been in Ã65. And the deficit increased to 38 times what it had been just 15 years before. ItÃs built-in, itÃs structural. And you and I need to get representatives not only in the Executive Branch, but out there in the legislature, so that we can change that structure that is so built-in, and that threatens us with so much harm. Ronald Reagan
President, Feb 11, 1988 [And cutting taxes does not cause deficits: Federal Revenues in 1980: $517.1 billion. Federal Revenues in 1989: $990 billion (Congressional Budget Office). Revenues almost doubled, but spending increased by even more.]

Vice President Gore likes to say that the federal government is now …

Vice President Gore likes to say that the federal government is now back to the size it was in President Kennedy’s Administration, but a look behind the curtain shows no such shrinkage. Real staff reductions are almost entirely confined to the Defense Department, for reasons having more to do with the de-invention of the Soviet Union than the reinvention of the government of the United States.Most of the civilian side of the government has expanded dramatically — especially if compared with the era of the Kennedy Administration, when there was no Medicare, no Medicaid, no Department of Housing and Urban Development, no Department of Education, no Department of Energy, no Department of Transportation and no Environmental Protection Agency, just to name a few things the government was content to ignore. Barron’s
Barron’s March 29, 1999 (