Instead of arguing that Mr. Bush’s tax cut goes too far, …

Instead of arguing that Mr. Bush’s tax cut goes too far, we Democrats should be arguing that it doesn’t go far enough. Middle-class families need more tax relief now as America faces an economic threat we haven’t seen since the 1930s — the threat of deflation.The Federal Reserve has already cut interest rates to the lowest levels in 40 years, and there’s not much more it can do. This country needs a massive economic stimulus now, before we head down the road of falling prices, falling wages and falling home values. There is a way out and it works. Let’s cut taxes for individuals and business even more, right now. Zell Miller
U.S. Senator, Georgia, Democrat

As for society, I believe in it. When a young woman, I …

As for society, I believe in it. When a young woman, I went out a good deal myself. I don’t think society means what some rich people would have us believe. I’d get very tired of living in one of those great houses in New York, going out all night and sleeping all day. They don’t have any real pleasure. It’s intercourse with people that I like. Hetty Howland Robinson Green
Hetty, Charles Slack, 2004. (1834-1916). p154-155

Contributions and expenditures both involve core First Amendment expression because they further …

Contributions and expenditures both involve core First Amendment expression because they further the discussion of public issues and debate on the qualifications of candidates integral to the operation of the system of government established by our Constitution. When an individual donates money to a candidate or to a partisan organization, he enhances the donee’s ability to communicate a message and thereby adds to political debate, just as when that individual communicates the message himself. Clarence Thomas
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, in Colorado Republican Campaign Cmte v. F.E.C. 518 U.S. 604 (1996).