The Court’s attempt to distinguish the communication inherent in political contributions …

The Court’s attempt to distinguish the communication inherent in political contributions from the speech aspects of political expenditures simply ‘will not wash.’ We do little but engage in word games unless we recognize that people-candidates and contributors-spend money on political activity because they wish to communicate ideas, and their constitutional interest in doing so is precisely the same whether they or someone else utters the words. Chief Justice Burger
Partial Dissent/Partial Concurrence of Chief Justice Burger in Buckley v. Valeo

I could never turn against or show the least lack of loyalty …

I could never turn against or show the least lack of loyalty to my family since this is in sharp contradiction with the family values I was brought up on–the values that continue to sustain my lifeblood and determine my mental life more effectively thananything else. Indeed, the faith I have in these values deepens day after day, so much that I have come to believe that only adherence to such values can savesociety–that there can be hope only for a society which acts as one big family and not as many separate ones. Anwar Sadat
President of Egypt