Don’t give up the ship! James Lawrence Tradition has it that …

Don’t give up the ship!
James Lawrence
Tradition has it that Capt. James Lawrence said these heroic words after being mortally wounded in the engagement between his ship, the U.S. frigate Chesapeake, and H.M.S. Shannon on 1 June 1813. As the wounded Lawrence was carried below, he ordered ‘Tell the men to fire faster! Don’t give up the ship!’ Although the Chesapeake was forced to surrender, Captain Lawrence’s words lived on as a rallying cry during the war. Oliver Hazard Perry honored his dead friend Lawrence when he had the motto sewn onto the private battle flag flown during the Battle of Lake Erie, 10 September 1813. (William S. Dudley, ed., The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History [Washington, D.C.: Naval Historical Center, 1992] 2: 559)

Airline deregulation facts (1993) – Ticket prices in real terms are 20 percent …

Airline deregulation facts (1993)- Ticket prices in real terms are 20 percent lower than in 1978 when deregulation took effect.- Over 100,000 new jobs have been created in the airline industry since 1978.- In 1978, 17 percent of travelers could book non-stop flights between cities. In 1989, 27 percent of traverlers could.- In 1978, 28 percent of all travelers could chose from 3 or more airlines. Today 55 percent can chose from 3 or more airlines.

Reason Magazine, June 1993

While it is largely agreed that there is a crucial need to …

While it is largely agreed that there is a crucial need to defend the freedom of business in order to avoid additional regulation, the fact that free enterprise has already been crippled by government intervention is ignored…. Many business spokesmen seem to believe the existing system of interventions represents free enterprise, whereas any new regulations would be socialistic. Charles G. Koch
‘Anti-Capitalism and Business,’ Reason Magazine, December 1975