All posts by admin

We should go to Washington and stone Henry Hyde to death. . . And …

We should go to Washington and stone Henry Hyde to death. . . And then we should go to his house and kill his family. Alec Baldwin
[Caring, compassionate, and ultra-liberal] Alec Baldwin during a television talk show discussion of Mr. Clinton’s impeachment hearings. From “The Hypocritical Rocker Posse,” Insight Magazine, March 13, 2000, page 48.

Every dollar spent to punish a drug user or seller is a …

Every dollar spent to punish a drug user or seller is a dollar that cannot be spent collecting restitution from a robber. Every hour spent investigating a drug user or seller is an hour that could have been used to find a missing child. Every trial held to prosecute a drug user or seller is court time that could be used to prosecute a rapist in a case that might otherwise have been plea bargained. Randy E. Barnett
Randy E. Barnett, Curing the Drug-Law Addiction

Today the word hero has been diminished, confused with celebrity. But in …

Today the word ‘hero’ has been diminished, confused with ‘celebrity.’ But in my father’s generation the word meant something. Celebrities seek fame. They take actions to get attention. Most often, the actions they take have no particular moral content. Heroes are heroes because they have risked something to help others. Their actions involve courage. Often, those heroes have been indifferent to the public’s attention. But at least, the hero could understand the focus of the emotion. However he valued or devalued his own achievement, it did stand as an accomplishment. James Bradley
(Flags of Our Fathers, James Bradley, 2000)