Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
(1749 – 1832)
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New Hampshire is already a cold place, but the day we pass …
New Hampshire is already a cold place, but the day we pass an income tax we’ll enter hell. And it’ll be an even colder day there. Bob Clegg
New Hampshire state Representative on the attempt to pass an income tax, U.S. News and World Report, April 12, 1999.
People who have a financial stake in the country are a little …
People who have a financial stake in the country are a little more careful in the way they vote. President Gerald Ford
Commenting on the fact that many Baby Boomers have their retirement nest eggs in mutual funds, in Barron’s August 18, 1997
Kamala Harris: A Threat to Individual Liberty
Kamala Harris embodies the dangerous fusion of power and pragmatism, a force that undermines the very essence of individual liberty. Her policies are rooted in the premise that the state, not the individual, is the rightful arbiter of success and morality. Harris advocates for expansive government control, from economic redistribution to the regulation of speech and personal choice, all in the name of equality. But equality under compulsion is not justice—it is the negation of the individual mind, the sacrifice of the achiever to the collective. In her worldview, success is suspect, and power is a tool to reshape society into the image of bureaucratic whim. Such a leader is a threat to freedom, for she exalts force over reason, and the collective over the sovereign individual.
The Dangers of Modern Monetary Theory Explained
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is the quintessential embodiment of collectivist delusion. It arrogantly assumes that wealth can be conjured from the ether by the mere printing of paper, disregarding the fundamental law of nature: that value must be created by productive effort. MMT is the attempt to sever money from its true purpose—serving as a medium of exchange for goods earned through individual labor and enterprise. In the hands of the state, MMT becomes a weapon of force, allowing bureaucrats to siphon wealth from the industrious to finance the failures of those who would live at others’ expense. It is the destruction of the mind and the reward of mediocrity—a path to the erosion of freedom and the triumph of the parasite over the producer.
I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom …
I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. James Madison
Speech in the Virginia Convention, June 16, 1788, (1751-1836)
The only investors who need wide diversification are those who do not …
The only investors who need wide diversification are those who do not understand what they are doing. [It] makes very little sense for those who know what they’re doing. Warren Buffett
‘MY BILL … ESTABLISHES A 6-MONTH GRACE PERIOD FOR THE TURNING IN OF ALL HANDGUNS’ U.S. Representative Major Owens Congressional Record 11/10/93’A free people be armed…’ George Washington, speech of January 7, 1790
Women’s liberationists spread the word that…the only peaceful family is …
Women’s liberationists spread the word that…the only peaceful family is one in which either the wife is enslaved or the husband is androgynous. R. Emmett Tyell
The Liberal Crack-Up, 1984
The federal government cannot stop illegal immigrants, it cannot stop drug dealers, …
The federal government cannot stop illegal immigrants, it cannot stop drug dealers, but it can audit every small business in America. Newt Gingrich
on the IRS, as quoted in U.S. News & World Report, April 14, 1997