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Pelosi – we have to pass the [health insurance] bill so that you can find out what is in it.

“ Prevention, prevention, prevention—its about diet, not diabetes. Its going to be very, very exciting. But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy. Furthermore, we believe that health care reform, again I said at the beginning of my remarks, that we sent the three pillars that the Presidents economic stabilization and job creation initiatives were education and innovation—innovation. ” Nancy Pelosi, March 9, 2010

Senator, most people prefer to know what is in a bill before their representatives vote on it.  What happened to transparency?

The health insurance socialization bill is like one of the packages you see in horror movies that you just know you do not want to open!  Kind of like Pandora’s box since we knew of the evil in there!

Shows with gays could lose Florida tax credit

A proposal that would increase current tax credits from two to five percent of productions costs for shows considered “family friendly.”  This would not include shows that featured “gay characters.”

Florida, how about being “family friendly” by lowering taxes for everyone?  Come on, this is as stupid as judging someone by the color of their skin or the color of their eyes.

14.9 million jobless. 12 million illegal immigrants. You do the math.

The “funny” thing is that this article says there are “14.9 million jobless Americans” and there are approximately 12-15 million ILLEGAL immigrants (some say 11 million, some say 20 million). You do the math. Legal immigration is what built the country, do we really want to make people who start out as criminals citizens?  Or do we want people who are law-abiding citizens?

For more on the illegal immigration topic from last year.

When the parasites can vote themselves a bigger bite from the host…

President Obama has proposed a 1.4 % pay increase for active duty military in 2011. This is the LOWEST since 1973. Nice to know that during a time of rampant inflation, while a war is fought in 2 theatres, our men and women in uniform get a LOWER PAY INCREASE THAN WELFARE RECIPIENTS.      — from K.P.L.

When the parasites can vote themselves a bigger bite from the host, they will do so.  The law is supposed to protect you and your life from being voted into subservience, but when the law is used instead to steal from a disarmed population, the law has been perverted.  Today many people believe the concept of personal responsibility means expecting someone else to pay for you and what you believe you “need.”

Today, the parasites are in control and the parasites have realized they can vote themselves a bigger bite from the host.  And the chief parasites in Washington want to maintain control by directing where the rest of the parasites can take their bite based on how you are favored – from the filet portion or  the keister.

Dan Rather – Obama couldn’t “sell watermelons on highway if a state trooper…”

Check out Racist Democrat, former CBS anchor Dan Rather saying that Obama couldn’t “sell watermelons on highway if a state trooper was flagging down traffic.”

Notice that he echoes Joe Biden’s comment about President Obama being “articulate.” Was Chris Matthews’ leg tingling then? Talk about out of touch!  Notice how quickly Chris Matthews tries to change the topic and get Rather off the “watermelons” comment?

…independents will buy this argument, he just hasn’t been leading.  Look at the health care bill, his number one priority  and it took him for everything through and he had to compromise it to death.  And a version of listen, he’s a nice person and very articulate, this is what’s going to be used against him, but he couldn’t sell watermelons on highway if a state trooper was flagging down traffic.”

“Anyone who stands in the way of the health care bill is going to be smeared” – Dem Rep Massa

“Anyone who stand in the ways of the health care bill is going to be smeared” – Democrat Rep. Eric Massa, March 7, 2010

“When I voted against the cap and trade bill, the phone rang and it was the chief of staff to the president of the United States of America, Rahm Emanuel, and he started swearing at me in terms and words that I hadn’t heard since that crossing the line ceremony on the USS New Jersey in 1983.  And I gave it right back to him, in terms and words that I know are physically impossible.” Democrat Rep. Eric Massa, March 7, 2010

“Hoyer lied.” – Democrat Rep. Eric Massa, March 7, 2010

“Mine is now the deciding vote on the health care bill. And this administration and this House leadership have said, quote-unquote, they will stop at nothing to pass this health care bill. And now they’ve gotten rid of me and it will pass. You connect the dots.” Democrat Rep. Eric Massa, March 7, 2010

Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil’s spawn. He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to the front end of a steam locomotive.” Democrat Rep. Eric Massa, March 7, 2010

“He’ll get rid of me. And this bill will pass and that’ll end…and I, I, don’t know what we’re gonna do in this country.” Democrat Rep. Eric Massa, March 7, 2010

Read more:

Democrat Representative Massa says Democrat Leaders set him up.  The Washington leadership will indeed “stop at nothing” to get the health care bill because it will make dependents of everyone, leaving Washington with power over everyone and everything in the United States. Instead of a nation of free people, we will have become a nation of parasites and hosts except that everyone will be both to one degree. Washington will be our masters and the country as their slaves.

See also:

Massa Hints he could Rescind Resignation.

Reid-Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today which is really good.

“Today is a big day in America.  O-only 36,000 people lost their jobs today which is really good.

Racist Democrat Senator Harry “no Negro dialect” Reid stated March 5, 2010

And then he said “If we socialize medicine, only 270 million people will lost the worlds best health care system, which is really good for our power over you.”  Oh wait, he just thinks that.

Does that mean if roughly half are men that we have 18,000 more “men, [who] when they’re out of work, tend to become abusive?” (As Reid said Feb 23, 2010).

Obama ends “leave internet alone” policy

“The US government’s policy of leaving the Internet alone is over, according to Obama’s top official at the Department of Commerce.” Assistant Secretary Larry Strickling, The Register and see the NTIA presentation.

The internet is too powerful for governments that want to control the thoughts of their population to leave alone.  Along with the extension of the Patriot Act (, the Obama Administration arguing in Federal Court that there is no “reasonable expectation of privacy” on cell phones – funny, we missed the ACLU, EFF, and the press having conniptions about the Democrat controlled Congress and Democrat President signing the extension – Washington has a nice tight grip on the communications of the country.

But, it is nice to have “government oversight” over everything – you wouldn’t want to do something without permission would you?