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Opportunist, dishonest Crist lies repeatedly!

“I’m running as a Republican. I’m very proud to be from the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, others that have really stood up for the principles of our party like Ronald Reagan. Uh, this is a great party, it has a great future, we have a great opportunity to win in November. …

I won’t run as an independent.” Charlie Crist

Chris: “Are you ruling out that you will file as an independent as of the April 30th deadline?”
That’s right, that’s right, I’m running as Continue reading Opportunist, dishonest Crist lies repeatedly!

Charlie Crist, Opportunist, Liar “Republican-Only” Video

You have to wonder about Charlie Crist’s character when he and his campaign have made it perfectly clear he would only run as a Republican (see video below) and yet today he is reportedly stating he’ll run under “no party affiliation.”  Liar, opportunist, hopefully, FORMER Governor and politicians.  Crist is clearly an opportunist with no guiding principles.

Obama: “I Do Think At A Certain Point You’ve Made Enough Money”

Obama: “I Do Think At A Certain Point You’ve Made Enough Money”

Attention Big Democrat supporters, stop being hypocrites, “at a certain point you’ve made enough money,” so give it away now:

  • Obama made $5 million in 2009
  • Oprah Winfrey, $100 million deal
  • George Soros, $12-14 Billion in net worth (Forbes)
  • Warren Buffett, $37 Billion net worth
  • Bill Gates, $40 Billion net worth

    Love the headline “Illegal Immigrants plan to leave over Ariz law”

    Love the headline “Illegal Immigrants plan to leave over Ariz law” (

    Who knew that just PASSING A LAW would get people ALREADY BREAKING THE LAW TO LEAVE! Why are they obeying one law and not the Federal law? Oh, perhaps it is INCONVENIENT for them to break one law and not the other?

    It is about time that someone says, “YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW. LEAVE, FILL OUT THE REQUIRED PAPERWORK AND IF YOU MEET THE QUALIFICATIONS YOU CAN COME BACK!” Oh, and by the way, in the United States, we speak English.  I’ll also say that the Federal Government shouldn’t expect companies to be their immigration agents for them. Do the job of protecting the borders and don’t pawn off your job on someone else.

    Racist President Clinton views anti-immigrant sentiment due to race!

    Former President Clinton says he understands “anti-immigrant sentiment”  because it is “white, male factory” workers who are out of jobs.  Way to pull the race card Mr President.  Only a true racist thinks it is about race.

    Here is a clue F.P. Clinton, it is ANTI-ILLEGAL immigrant sentiment.  They are BREAKING THE LAW.  It is a difficult concept to understand for some people, but they are ILLEGAL BECAUSE THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW.  It is not an immigration problem, but an ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION problem.  Too bad F.P. Clinton has to distort the issue and can’t debate the issue on the merits.  One would expect better from a former President.  Except perhaps F.P. Clinton.  Divide and conquer is the strategy.

    Here is the full quotation:

    The real reason there’s anti-immigrant sentiment is if you look at the numbers. It’s white male factory workers without a college degree got killed in the last decade. Men, in terms of their real wage loss, suffered even more than women did.  Clinton, April 28, 2010

    State Senator Kevin Parker (D-NY-RACIST) – Video

    Check out State Senator Kevin Parker resorting to calling people who disagree with him racist. The State Senator, who has been ordered to anger management classes after being accused of punching a traffic agent and who is under felony indictment for assaulting a news photographer is unable to argue an issue on the merits and instead throws the racist label around. If he listened to his own comments, he’d realize that the true racist is himself. Instead he tries to use his skin color to protect himself from debate. And New Yorker’s elected this racist clown? They should be ashamed.

    Here is the video, skip forward to the 20:45 minute mark to see the fireworks, the video shows what a complete and utter racist, buffoon State Senator Kevin Parker is:



    A sense of confidence in the courts is essential to maintain the fabric of ordered liberty for a free people and three things could destroy that confidence and do incalculable damage to society

    “A sense of confidence in the courts is essential to maintain the fabric of ordered liberty for a free people and three things could destroy that confidence and do incalculable damage to society: that people come to believe that inefficiency and delay will drain even a just judgment of its value; that people who have long been exploited in the smaller transactions of daily life come to believe that courts cannot vindicate their legal rights from fraud and over-reaching; that people come to believe the law – in the larger sense – cannot fulfill its primary function to protect them and their families in their homes, at their work, and on the public streets.”  Chief Justice Warren E. Burger