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If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place. Google CEO Eric Schmidt

“If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.” – Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, to CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo, December 7, 2009.

Google’s New Privacy Policy:

At Google, we are keenly aware of the trust you place in us and our responsibility to protect your privacy IF you have nothing to hide.  Otherwise, too bad, use Bing.

I guess Schmidt won’t mind:

1. Cameras stationed outside his house.

2. Providing his credit card statements to the public.

3. Responding to ValleyWag and others who reported on his many girlfriends, despite being married.

4. Publishing his health records.

5. Publishing his tax returns.

If Google’s Schmidt does not immediately publish those records, it is obvious he has something to hide.

It is the height of stupidity to say that everyone’s private life should be open to the public view.  Just because you don’t share your credit card statements doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong.

Al Gore claimed he created the internet and Snopes tries to cover it up.

There are people out there (including one on the CBS News website today) that claim Al Gore never said “I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”  The facts say otherwise and tries to massage the issue by saying it is false.  Snopes confuses the issue by saying “Claim: Vice-President Al Gore claimed he ‘invented’ the Internet.”  They respond with it as “Status: False.”  Now, we have never seen a claim that Al Gore says he “invented” the internet, but it is clear that Al Gore does say that he “took the initiative in creating the Internet.”

Let’s look at the facts:

1. CNN’s own transcript of the discussion on March 9, 1999’s “Late Edition” with Wolf Blitzer (see says  “I’ve traveled to every part of this country during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”

Clearly he does not say he “invented” the internet, but he does claim he created it and is clearly being disingenuous when they change the claim to something it is not.  This is called a straw man, and while one should expect better from Snopes, it is not surprising.

2. ARPANET, the first packet switching network, first went active October 29, 1969 (recently there were articles about the 40th anniversary of the Internet, commemorating that event). But ideas for such a network had been circulating as early as August 1962.  In October 1963, ARPA began to believe that such a network was an important concept.  So, who “created” the internet?  Scientists in the 1960s.  If any politician can claim to have “taken the initiative in creating the internet” it would be the two Presidents were involved in funding it – President Kennedy and President Johnson with President Nixon continuing to fund it more in the early 1970s.  President Johnson’s tenure coincides closest with the initial groundwork and initial operation.  The Congresses at the time should also deserve some credit if any politician could be said to have “created” the internet.  In reality though, it was the researches and the people at ARPA would took the initiative to create the internet.

Gore began serving in Congress in 1977 and the Internet was approximately 9 years old.

ClimateGate source code more damning than emails

Check out this link to an article that shows that the ClimateGate computer source code (e.g. the program that processes the data) has more issues than the emails do.

Part of the summary:

For those who can’t follow what is being stated here is that data after 1960 will be “artificially adjusted” to “hide the decline”. In other words they were hardcoding in the program ways to manipulate the data to hide the decline in temperatures.

But then the scientific (???) journal, Nature finds nothing out of the ordinary in previous papers relying on the data.  At least we know Nature is on the global warming without scientific inquiry bandwagon.

…capitalism or socialism is we are going to have both…

But the other part of human nature is communitarianism. There’s a natural tendency of human beings, in addition to wanting to do things for themselves, they feel a great responsibility in wanting to be part of a community. So I think the debate for the new generation is instead of capitalism or socialism is we are going to have both and which proportion of each should we have in order to make this all work. Its a much more sensible debate. Howard Dean, DNC, 4/5/2009, Paris, France

Howard Dean needs to learn the difference between doing something voluntarily and being forced to do something.   Socialism is forced, communitarianism is not.  Communitarianism is “small self-governing communities” not mammoth government from Washington.  It is time Howard Dean learns the facts before he speaks.

Eco-hypocrisy, celebrities and Copenhagen

Check out this article entitled “Taking the Private Jet to Copenhagen“.

Sheryl Crow, John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston, Truie Styler (wife of Sting), Chris Martin (of Coldplay), Barack Obama (flying a St. Louis chef flown 850 miles to make pizza at the White House), Al Gore  are not only eco-crusaders, but all are eco-hypocrits with things like multiple houses, fleets of private jets, and fleets of cars.

Read the article for the details.

Smith Barney, Intuit Payroll, and Amex update

Smith Barney sent a welcome message to Harold Bxxxxx, welcoming Harold B to Smith Barney online and another for account number ###-##099 being enrolled in E-Delivery with the last 3 SSN ending in 040.  Smith Barney, like others, links to their privacy policy, and does a wonderful job following it.  They do give an 800 number (800-221-3636) to call, but no link or email address to notify them.

Next we have Intuit QB Basic Payroll sending order # SBL36468501 for 243.89 to me for Grant Kxxxxx in Boca Raton, Florida with no reply address and no way to notify them that they are sending information to someone else.

An update on the American Express “Settlement and Payment Advice Report for SE No: 9740108691.”  American Express is still sending them.  While asking to be notified by email, but messages to their notification email address still bounce.

How about companies adopt a standard link at the end of their emails to notify them to review the address?