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[Statists] believe that government should make decisions for individuals. Since individuals usually prefer to make their own decisions, coercion and compulsion become necessary correctives. This is why the statist has no use for the Golden Rule. The statist does not do unto others as he would have others do unto him. The others aren’t to do at all; they are to be done to and done for. Theodore Forstmann
From remarks delivered during the 1997 Shavano Institute for National Leadership

When the thug’s of Europe’s People’s States snarl that …

When the thug’s of Europe’s People’s States snarl that you are guilty of intolerance, because you don’t treat your desire to live and their desire to kill you as a difference of opinion — you cringe and hasten to assure them that you are not intolerant of any horror. … [Then] [y]ou have reached the blind alley of the treason you committed when you agreed that you had no right to exist [by definition.] Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged,(1905-1982)

Some of us do not agree with every statement in the official …

Some of us do not agree with every statement in the official platform of our party, but . . . if each segment, each section of our great party were to insist on the complete and unqualified acceptance of its views, if each viewpoint were to be enforced by a Russian-type veto, the Republican Party would not long survive. Barry Goldwater
Barry Goldwater, 1960 (1909-1998)

The Gore family had close, personal ties to oil magnate, Armand Hammer. …

The Gore family had close, personal ties to oil magnate, Armand Hammer. After his defeat as Senator, Al Gore, Sr. was given a $500,000 a year job to head up theOccidental Petroleum’s coal division. Hammer, however, was a longtime Soviet agent, a personal friend of Lenin and the only American to receive the Order of Lenin from the then Soviet government. Today, Al Gore, Jr. serves as co-chairman of the US-Russian Joint Commission on Economic and Technical Cooperation, better known as the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission.