Category Archives: Abuse of Power

Tea Party Slogans

Some of the signs from the tea parties across the United States earlier today:

Spread my Work Ethic, not my wealth!

Change…giving freeloaders some of what YOU have worked hard for!

Help me Obama, They want me to work and stuff!

Cut taxes, not deals

What part of “limited powers” do you not understand?

It’s my birthday, and all Obama got me was more debt!

It’s my birthday, and all Obama got me was more taxes!

Why make a corrupt government even BIGGER?

Why should I pay for your bad decisions?

Party like its 1773

Obamanomics – Trickle up poverty

Term Limits for Congress!

A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. George Bernard Shaw

No tax cuts for non-taxpayers!

Cut taxes, NOT more deal$

Freedom Works! Continue reading Tea Party Slogans

“Quantitative Easing” and “Open Market Operations” mean “printing money”

You may hear the terms “Quantitative Easing” and “Open Market Operations” from the Federal Reserve and wonder what they are.  They sound official and complicated, but are not.  When you get down to the basics, they quite simply mean the Federal Reserve is printing money.

Quantitative easing is a type of monetary policy that increases the money in an economy when the Federal Funds Rate (overnight lending rate) is close to (or at) zero.  The Fed (or central bank) purchases financial assets from banks and other financial institutions using money it has created out of thin air (ex nihilo is the latin jargon).  It is equivalent to “printing money” although it is done electronically so no printing is needed.  Just a push of a few buttons and magically they Federal Reserve says “we now have another $1000 Billion in the bank.”  Nice bank account if you can get it.

Quantitative easing and open market operations are complicated ways of saying that the Federal Reserve (or other central bank) is printing money.  The cost is inflation, or in the worst case, hyper-inflation.  Inflation robs you of the value of your money stealthily and is a hidden tax on your savings (retirement etc) and promised obligations.  Remember that, as Milton Friedman defines inflation, it is a monetary phenomenon – too much money chasing too few goods.

So, now you know the basics of quantitative easing and open market operations, and the risks involved.  Should you trust politicians and the appointed members of the Federal Reserve to manage the value of your money?  Would you find a ruler that changed length daily useful?  When a person is managing the value of the dollar, the value varies every day with the trend down.  Down more than 95% since the Federal Reserve was created.   That is the problem with inflation, a dollar today will be only worth a nickel eventually.

The Democratic Senate Puts Heavy Restrictions on the Internet

The Democrat controlled Senate is working on a Bill that would give President Obama the authority to shut down the Internet.  This is the so-called Cybersecurity Act of 2009,  S.773 was introduced by Senators Rockefeller, Bayh, Nelson, and Snowe.

The Bill would also give the government access to the digital records from many industries including telecommunications, banking and energy.  All would be under the authority of a cybersecurity czar.

Clamp down on the free speech on the Internet in the event of a need to “protect national security” and there goes the ability to dissent.


Obama targets Rush Limbaugh.

While obvious for some time, the Politico (Politico) today confirms that President Obama is targeting Rush Limbaugh.

What Obama fails to realize is that this means that Rush begins to set the agenda for the Democrats and in that case they are going to have a tough time of it.  Rush has three hours per day on the air to respond so anyone willing to listen to him will hear the truth instead of the Obama and mainstream media’s spin.  While good for Rush, letting him set the agenda will be bad for the President.

It should also be noted that:

  1. Enemies lists are not acceptable.  President Nixon would be proud.
  2. It is now acceptable for the President to target private citizens (well, it was before just ask “Joe the Plumber”).  Imagine if it were you next and had no way to respond.
  3. It is acceptable for the President of the United States to take what a private citizen says out of context and publicize it.  Amazing and scary.

Obama will tax the ‘blackest/whitest” 2%?

Imagine if President Obama proposed taxing the blackest or whitest or gayest or straightest or most religious 2% of all citizens at a higher rate than the rest of the population.  Would anyone stand for picking on a minority like that?  Would anyone stand for singling people out like that?

Now replace blackest/whitest/gayest/straightest/most religious with something like “most talented” or “most successful” and no one has a problem with it.  

So much for the concept of equal treatment under the law.  So much for equality.

Freedom is endowed by our creator, every person’s right, and results in the most efficient system available.  Increased government control limits your freedom and eventually it will limit it enough that you have none left and it will be too late to respond.

HR-45, the Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009

It didn’t take long to introduce more gun ownership regulation.  (See  The short list of requirements are:

1. Guns must be registered (any rifle with a clip or any pistol)

2. You must be fingerprinted.

3. You must supply your social Continue reading HR-45, the Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009

President Clinton Ignores First Amendment

Yesterday (Feb 13, 2009) radio host Mario Solis Marich asked former President Bill Clinton if it was time for “some type of enforced media accountability.”  Clinton replied:

“Well, you either ought to have the Fairness Doctrine or we ought to have more balance on the other side, because essentially there’s always been a lot of big money to support the right wing talk shows and let face it, you know, Rush Limbaugh is fairly entertaining even when he is saying things that I think are ridiculous….”


For someone who attended law school and was President of the United States to blatantly ignore the First Amendment to the Constitution (not to mention the fact that the Constitution gives the Federal Government no power to regulate the press) is appalling.  

When all power is concentrated in Washington and there is no one permitted to speak up for Freedom and Liberty, we can look back on comments such as these and see the steps we took to get there.

Stimulus and EMP (Electromagnetic pulse)

If the Obama Administration really wants to do something productive with the stimulus money, use $100 billion or so and begin to harden the United States Infrastructure against EMP.

A single high-altitude nuclear weapon detonation (perhaps 200 miles) would create an electromagnetic pulse that would cover most of the continental United States, some of Canada and Mexico.  The EMP would disable much of the electronic equipment in the United States.  Even a small – by nuclear weapons standards – fission weapon would do significant damage.  EMP would mean loss of power for everyone.  This would mean no delivery of food or medicine or any other supplies.  People that require water and sewer systems would be without power.  Computers, TVs, radios would be damaged.  The damage would not be a matter of resetting circuit breakers.  Decades would pass before we were back to a 1920 level.  Half a century before we were back to the 1970s.  Tens to hundreds of millions of people would die in the United States within a year from starvation, disease, and untreated medical conditions.  Many more hundreds of millions from around the world would die from ripple effects.

A country such as Iran or North Korea with a nuclear weapon and a delivery system could put the United States back to 1850 in terms of technology in 1 second.  Without a weapon defense system, the United States is completely helpless.

Do we want to be at the mercy of an insane leader of a foreign country?

Two steps that must be taken as soon as possible:

1. Missile defense to stop the EMP before it starts.

2. Try to “harden” much of the United States electrical network.  This is not a quick solution, but should be started.

If we are ever hit by EMP it will be too late.