Category Archives: elections

President Obama stood for change, but all he has done is brought negative economic change…hypocrisy shown by this administration.

I am disappointed at the hypocrisy shown by this administration.  President Obama is coming to Las Vegas later this month for a political fundraiser, but he will not help the struggling families in Las Vegas and Nevada who are out of work because of his reckless comments [comments in early 2009 regarding Las Vegas business trips].  … [A]pparently our money is good enough for the President, but our tourism, jobs, and economic future are not. This is politics, pure and simple, President Obama stood for change, but all he has done is brought negative economic change to Nevada.   Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons, May 18, 2009


Powell calls for centrism, cares little for Liberty

Colin Powell called for a more centrist Republican party on Tuesday (May 5, 2009).  Whether Powell is a dupe or a closet statist isn’t clear yet, but it looks to be the later.

Mr. Powell, when you cave in on principles and on the defense of liberty you lose.  Perhaps you didn’t realize you were fighting for the freedom Continue reading Powell calls for centrism, cares little for Liberty

UAW and Unions versus the rule of law

In relation to the automobile industry (with the exception of Ford), Buy American is now un-American.  That is if you think America stands for freedom, the rule of law, and due process.  The UAW and the Obama Administration are acting like mobsters, shaking down senior secured bond-holders in order to pay-off a political constituency, the Unions.  The only difference between mobsters and their actions is that instead of having the gun visible, the gun is held by the government.

The hedge funds and other investment vehicles that own the secured debt -which, according to the LAW, gets paid before unsecured holders- have just as many “regular people” albeit one step removed, as do the UAW retirees.  But the UAW is a favored group, and a visible group Continue reading UAW and Unions versus the rule of law

Arlen Specter the Hypocrite

Copying another well known hypocrite – Jim Jeffords from Vermont – Arlen Specter abandoned his principles in order to retain power.  Well, he never really had principles except being power-hungry, so it was difficult for him to abandon them, but he choose the only route he could to try to maintain his tenuous grip on power but lost his slight remaining grip on reality in the process.

After stating he would not switch parties in a March 17, 2009 interview, today he said he would switch parties:

[Democrats] are trying very hard for the 60th vote. Got to give them credit for trying. But the answer is no. … I am staying a Republican because I think I have an important role, a more important role, to play there. The United States very desperately needs a two-party system. That’s the basis of politics in America. – March 17, 2009

You have to hand it to him, he values POWER over your lives and mine over anything else.  Hope he enjoys it for the next 18 months.  A disgraceful end to a disgraceful political career.

If you wish to read about Arlen Specter’s opponent, Pat Toomey, you can do so here.

Schakowsky calls tea parties “despicable” and “shameful.”

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) called “tea party” protests “despicable” and shameful.”

The ‘tea parties’ being held today by groups of right-wing activists, and fueled by FOX News Channel, are an effort to mislead the public about the Obama economic plan that cuts taxes for 95 percent of Americans and creates 3.5 million jobs.

It’s despicable that right-wing Republicans would attempt to cheapen a significant, honorable moment of American history with a shameful political stunt.  Not a single American household or business will be taxed at a higher rate this year. Made to look like a grassroots uprising, this is an Obama bashing party promoted by corporate interests, as well as Republican lobbyists and politicians.

Queen George Schakowsky, nice loophole with “this year.”   I am sorry that you don’t (a) know the Constitution, (b) choose to ignore it, and (c) that you don’t understand what true grassroots is, but you may want to have your life controlled by others and may want to give away your freedom, but there are many of us who do not.

Obama, Geithner, and Daschle’s rules for the IRS

Less than 2 weeks into the Obama Presidency, we have some new excuses that you can use before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Not.

1. On former Senator and Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, who failed to pay more than $120,000 ($128,203 in taxes and $11964 in interest):  “Nobody’s perfect,” said Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs. “It was a serious mistake. …”  (February 2, 2009)

2. Senator Tom Daschle said he was “deeply embarrassed and disappointed” about Continue reading Obama, Geithner, and Daschle’s rules for the IRS