Category Archives: elections

the governing rights of the States are all of those which have not been surrendered to the National Government by the Constitution or its amendments.

“As a matter of fact and law, the governing rights of the States are all of those which have not been
surrendered to the National Government by the Constitution or its amendments. Wisely or unwisely,
people know that under the Eighteenth Amendment Congress has been given the right to legislate on this particular subject, but this is not the case in the matter of a great number of other vital problems of government, such as the conduct of public utilities, of banks, of insurance, of business, of agriculture, of education, of social welfare and of a dozen other important features. In these, Washington must not be encouraged to interfere.”

Franklin Delano Roosevelt speech on the Volstead Act, March 3, 1930, New York Times. Two years before becoming President and taking the opposite view.

The great corrupter of the American constitutional republic is government ignoring its Constitutional bounds

Mort Zuckerman makes some good points in his USNews commentary, but misses the boat with his comments on money in politics.
Money is a tool.  The problem occurs when the government is everywhere, then politics is everywhere.    When politics is everywhere, the fight for political power becomes crucial.  With no limits on their power, politicians in Washington become power-hungry.  The Founders understood this which was why the created a government of limited, enumerated powers.  Once the concept of enumerated powers was lost, freedom began down the long road of decline.
When politics and government are everywhere instead of individuals making their own decisions based in their freedom to do so, the freedom of the individual is lost.  Every election becomes about someone wanting to control someone else.  Every election will be more polarized than the last because many people do not want someone else making their decisions for them.  Polarization is good when one side wants to control and the other side wants freedom.  Compromise with your destroyers still results in you being destroyed, just slower than out-right surrender.
In short, MONEY is NOT the great corrupter of “American democracy,” but merely a symptom.  The great corrupter of the American constitutional republic is government ignoring its Constitutional bounds which allows power-hungry politicians the opening they need to take as much power as they can.

Sen Jay Rockefeller get the FCC to say to FOX and to MSNBC: ‘Out. Off. End. Goodbye.’

“There’s a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to FOX and to MSNBC: ‘Out. Off. End. Goodbye.’ It would be a big favor to political discourse; our ability to do our work here in Congress, and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and more importantly, in their future.” Senator  Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)

1. FoxNews and MSNBC are not on the airwaves, consequently the FCC has no jurisdiction.

2. Senator Jay Rockefeller must have missed at least part of the First Amendment to the Constitution, not to mention the entire Constitution itself.

What are the people of West Virginia thinking electing a clown like Rockefeller?  He is right, without a press that is able to publish the truth, the Federal Government’s big-government, power-hungry politicians, would be able to ‘get away’ with a lot more.  The First Amendment protects the country against the likes of Rockefeller.

Only a fool cooperates with his own destroyers.

“Simply saying ‘no,’ as we’ve had this past Congress … won’t bring jobs back.” Senator Harry Reid, November 3, 2010

Senator Reid, only a fool cooperates with his own destroyers. A pro-freedom agenda based on saying “NO” to a statist, anti-freedom, anti-Constitution, socialist agenda is what the election was about.  Politicians who care more about their own power than freedom, should be an endangered species with no 1973 Endangered Species Act to protect them.  When the choice is freedom v.s. control, compromising your freedom away slowly is no more sane than doing it all at once. Being statist democrat-lite will not only be bad for the Republicans, but for the Republic.

Would you compromise with a robber who wants to rob you?  Of course not.  Likewise, the host can not compromise with the parasites feeding off of her.

Saying “NO” to more big government, debt increasing policies is the way to create jobs because government does not create jobs, people do.

What Conservatives want to conserve is freedom

What Conservatives want to conserve is freedom.  Conservatives want to conserve the liberties spelled out in the Constitution.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Anyone who disagrees with that tenet is no conservative. Compromising freedom away through “bipartisanship” is nothing more than selling freedom down the river slowly versus all at once.  The history of the world is tyranny and oppression.  The United States was founded on the principle of limited government to prevent tyranny and oppression.

Each perversion of the Constitution takes the United States closer to tyranny and oppression.  A situation where one group believes it is right to take from another at the point of a gun.  A situation where elites rule every part of our lives from Washington.

One of the true freedom-loving conservatives was Senator Goldwater:

You don’t need to be straight to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight. – Goldwater

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism. – Goldwater

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.  – Goldwater

National debt has increased by $5 trillion since Pelosi said “no new deficit spending.”

“After years of historic deficits, this 110th Congress will commit itself to a higher standard: Pay as you go, no new deficit spending. Our new America will provide unlimited opportunity for future generations, not burden them with mountains of debt.”   Pelosi said in her inaugural address as speaker of the House in 2007

Since that day, the national debt has increased by $5 trillion, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.  For the full story, see this article.

California Air Board – not science, politics

* California grossly miscalculated pollution levels – by 340 percent, according to the California Air Resources Board

* Bad calculation by the air board estimated 18000 deaths per year from particulate matter, which now is estimated to by off by at least a factor of two.  (And probably thousands).

* The California Air Board estimate of a nitrous oxide source was off by at least a factor of two.

The board scientist – Hien Tran – who oversaw that study faked his scientific credentials.  Mary Nichols, chairwoman of the California Air Resources Board, knew that the “scientist” had faked his degree and lied about his credentials and did not inform the rest of the board prior to a vote on his faked research.

Nichols should resign, and the board should be dissolved.  Politics and science don’t mix.
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Single Payer system, I go to the doc, I pay for the services I receive.

On a single payer system:

You go, you pay for the services you receive. I go to the doc, I pay for the services I receive. Love [the single payer] plan, single payer all the way. If it’s successful there, we’ll move it to other segments of society. You go gas up your car, you pay, I go gas up my car, I pay. Single payer again! Fantastic idea! A multi-payer system would be, You go to the doc, you don’t pay, but me, my neighbor, my boss and my brother-in-law all chip-in for your treatment. Hmmm, maybe we have a problem here with definitions. – “From Where I Sit”