“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation”. – Candidate Obama, December 20, 2007, Boston.com
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation”. – Candidate Obama, December 20, 2007, Boston.com
Matthews talked about putting the birth certificate controversy surrounding President Obama to rest:
“Why has the president himself not demanded they put out the original documents?” Matthews wonders.
“If it exists, why not put it out?” Chris Matthews asks.
“I won.” President Obama January 23, 2009 to Senator Jon Kyle
“they gotta sit in back.” President Obama, October 25, 2010 regarding Republicans
November 3, 2010, President Obama called for bipartisan efforts. House Republicans need to say to the President, “We won.” What goes around comes around. Unless the President begins to support freedom, instead of statism and parasites, bipartisanship should be forbidden.
“Every single great idea that has marked the 21st century, the 20th century and the 19th century has required government vision and government incentive.” Vice President Biden, October 26, 2010
The delusional Vice President stated that every great idea in more than 200 ideas has required “government vision”. In other words without “government vision” there would be no cars, light bulbs,
Let’s look at some facts:
1. Theory of Relativity
2. Airplanes
3. Semiconductor
4. Standardized parts
5. Mass production
6. Just in the last 20 years: iPods, Google, eBay, Amazon.com, cell phones. Every Internet website.
7. Light bulb,
8. Phonograph
9. Penicillin
10. Automobile
11. Telegraph/Telephone
12. Pharmaceuticals
13. FedEx
14. Passenger air travel
15. Movie/TV Industry
16. Steel
17. Agriculture
18. Mining
19. Shipping
20. Banking
Some of the “great ideas” of government include:
1. Socialism
2. Facsism
3. Communism
4. NAZI Socialism
5. Mao and Chinese Communism
Those five alone caused hundreds of millions of deaths.
7. Trillions of dollars in debt in the United States alone.
8. Inflation in the 1970s U.S., Germany in the 1930s etc.
9. Segregation couldn’t have occurred without the force of government
Some that did have government intervention, but in all likelihood crowded out some private initiative:
1. Nuclear weapons
2. Nuclear power
3. Space flight – USSR and the U.S.’s NASA
4. Interstate highway system
5. ARPAnet, which when the government got out of the way because the commercial internet. And which was developed with private ideas.
Other’s that also believed in the unlimited power and unlimited benefits of all controlling government were Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, King George III, Robespierre, Castro, Chavez. The ones that believed in liberty and freedom were Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln.
I know which side I want to be on. The side of freedom, not the side of tyrants.
Sam Adams:
“Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: first a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to property; together with the right to defend them in the best manner they can.”
“The Constitution shall never be construed… to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”
“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us’ — if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election — then I think it’s going to be harder. And that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.” President Obama, October 26, 2010, Univision radio.
Ignoring again the poor English, a President who refers to American citizens who disagree with him as “enemies” is disgraceful. The great divider at work again. I wonder where Marco Rubio fits in that statement.
“We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.” – President Obama, October 25, 2010
One of the most outrageous comments ever from a President of the United States – even ignoring his poor grammar and poor command of the English language. One thought that Rosa Parks and many others fought against this ignorant mentality. Much of the American public understands that socialism, communism or fascism are incompatible with liberty and freedom and consequently are against all three – or any variation of them. Unfortunately there are a large percentage of people who want to be parasites on the backs of the rest of us.
‘It’s Great To Have A President Who Knows What A Library Is’… Paul McCartney
This coming from the super-well-educated Paul McCartney who was born in 1942 and left school in 1960. That’s right, Paul McCartney, who has the United Kingdom equivalent of a United States High School education, critcizing President George W. Bush who graduated with an undergraduate degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
I like the Beatles, but Paul needs to get a clue.
(see for example, Wikipedia)
The point of the blockade crashers was exactly this – a no win situation for Israel.
1. If Israel keeps them offshore, the press is bad because the “peace activists” (who video shows had stun grenades and other weapons and used them to attack) will be described by the press as just want to help the terrorist organization who has as its charter the destruction of Israel.
2. Let them in, weapons get to the terrorists and the terrorists are emboldened.
3. Try to board and be attacked (update: see video below) and see how it escalates.
No matter what, Israel lost – which was the point of the challenges to the blockade – and the world press will only look superficially at the situation and buy the BS that is being sold them without looking at the reasons and ramifications. And even if 99% of the idiots on the boats were innocent they were being used by the 1%. Nukes and other WMDs surround Israel and Israel is supposed to let the terrorist supporters in or get closer?
The world will eventually pay for lack of stability and vision. Neville Chamberlain should have taught us the folly of appeasement.
CNN’s John King said to Axelrod that a job offer for Rep. Seststak “marches up into the gray area, perhaps into the red area of a felony. It is a felony to induce somebody by offering them a job.” Sestak has alleged on multiple occasions this year that he was offered a job to refrain from running. Gibbs has acknowledged that such conversations have taken place (“Lawyers in the White House and others have looked into conversations that were had with Congressman Sestak, and nothing inappropriate happened.” and”Whatever conversations have been had are not problematic.” On CBS’ “Face the Nation” Gibbs said, “I’m not going to get further into what the conversations were. People who looked into them assure me they weren’t inappropriate in any way.”).
The offer would appear to violate federal criminal laws, including 18 U.S.C. 600, which prohibits promising a government position “as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity” or “in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office.” Likewise 18 USC 595 prohibits a federal official from interfering with the nomination or election for office and Section 18 USC 211 says that you can’t accept anything of value in return for hiring somebody in the Federal government.
Either the Democrat candidate for the Senate has lied multiple times or a felony has taken place. One would think that the media would care to investigate and a Special Prosecutor should be appointed.
Axelrod replied to CNN’s King that “If such things happened they would constitute a serious breach of the law, and when the allegations were looked into there is no evidence of such a thing.” And when Ted Bundy was asked to look in the killings of which he was accused, he found that there was no evidence that he had been involved. Thankfully other people investigated Bundy. We don’t give the people accused of a crime the responsibility and authority to investigate the allegations themselves. Hence the Special Prosecutor.
For reference:
Whoever, directly or indirectly, promises any employment, position, compensation, contract, appointment, or other benefit, provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of Congress, or any special consideration in obtaining any such benefit, to any person as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity or for the support of or opposition to any candidate or any political party in connection with any general or special election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. AMENDMENTS 1994 - Pub. L. 103-322 substituted "fined under this title" for "fined not more than $10,000". 1976 - Pub. L. 94-453 substituted $10,000 for $1,000 maximum allowable fine. 1972 - Pub. L. 92-225 struck out "work," after "position,", inserted "contract, appointment," after "compensation," and "or any special consideration in obtaining any such benefit," after "Act of Congress,", and substituted "in connection with any general or special election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office" for "in any election". EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1972 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 92-225 effective Dec. 31, 1971, or sixty days after date of enactment [Feb. 7, 1972], whichever is later, see section 408 of Pub. L. 92-225, set out as an Effective Date note under section 431 of Title 2, The Congress.
Obama: “I Do Think At A Certain Point You’ve Made Enough Money”
Attention Big Democrat supporters, stop being hypocrites, “at a certain point you’ve made enough money,” so give it away now: