Category Archives: privacy

There are up to four [NFL] players being talked to right now – Ayanbadejo

“I think it will happen sooner than you think. We’re in talks with a handful of players who are considering it. There are up to four players being talked to right now and they’re trying to be organized so they can come out on the same day together. It would make a major splash and take the pressure off one guy. It would be a monumental day if a handful or a few guys come out.” Brendon Ayanbadejo

To many of us it seems like the fact that no NFL player has come out is quite surprising for 2013.  Just like skin color, sexual orientation doesn’t matter (and hasn’t) to most people.  What matters is the person themselves.  Whether an NFL player is straight or gay is not a big deal what matters is if they are a good person (and a good player of course is a bonus).

Dr Bellar, sums up Obamacare in one long sentence – candidate State Senate in the Illinois 18th District

“So let me get this straight. This is a long sentence. We are going to be gifted with a healthcare plan that we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which reportedly covers ten million more people without adding a single new doctor, but provides for sixteen thousand new IRS agents,written by a committee whose chairman doesn’t understand it, passed by congress, that didn’t read it, but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief,who didn’t pay hos taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benifits take effect, by a government which has bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese and financed by a country that is broke.  So what the blank could possibly go wrong?” Password security – passwords limited to 8 characters

[Still true as of July 2013] limits passwords to between 6 and 8 letters or numbers.  It does not allow longer passwords nor does it allow special characters, such as “!” or “$” or “%”. Limiting the selection of characters and the length greatly increases the chances that someone could hack into accounts at

Perhaps the management isn’t aware of the vulnerabilities this causes.  As a Schwab client since around 1994, I have been concerned about this for years and with all the issues for large banks and financial institutions over the past few months.  Unfortunately Schwab still has not addressed it.

Feb 2013 update:  Schwab has not addressed this except to recommend two factor authentication, if requested. However, if you do not have your token generator, it becomes much more inconvenient to access Schwab. An 8 character password with only alphanumeric characters is practically negligent on Schwab’s part for any year after 1995.  For Schwab’s two factor authentication, the SchwabSafe Page has more information or call Schwab at 800-435-4000.

“What format should my password take?
Your password should be a random combination of six to eight numbers and letters, with at least one number included between the first and last character. It should not be a significant sequence like your Social Security Number or birth date. ”

Walmart still sending other people’s emails – Sister Marianna Troendle

Walmart still sending other people’s emails, again for Sister Marianna Troendle. Now they have sent the gift card number and the phone number:

We have issued a credit to your Gift Card (#6069061730706595)
in the amount of $82.37 due to Adjustment
for order #8692015765953.

If you have any questions, please reply to this email and let us know how we can help.

Continue reading Walmart still sending other people’s emails – Sister Marianna Troendle

Intuit TurboTax ignores their privacy policy too!

Intuit TurboTax creates accounts also without verifying email addresses.  And provides no method to correct them.  So, anyone can create an account using your email address and you are then prevented from using it at Intuit.

The worst part is that I called in, told them someone was using my email address to set up a TurboTax account so they sent me a password reset link.  Which allowed me to use my own email address-but it was filled in with someone else’s information that apparently did not know their own email address.  It included name, address, social Continue reading Intuit TurboTax ignores their privacy policy too!

1099 Your Freedom Away – Reporting everything to the IRS with 1099s

Beginning January 1, 2012, you will be required to report just about everything to the IRS.  There has been some discussion recently about this in relation to gold, but it applies to everything if you purchase in aggregate over $600.  In other words purchases that add up to more than $600 over the course of a year require IRS form 1099 to be filed.  It applies to “all persons engaged in business.”  Clean someone’s house?  Mow a lawn?  Write an article?  Write a program?  Graphic design?  Realtor?

So if a  person buys a computer on January 1st for $399, paper and ink and printer for more than $202 on December 31st of that year from the same person or business (flea market, Bill’s Computer Condo, Office Depot) for their office, they are required to file IRS Form 1099.  Forgot about it over Continue reading 1099 Your Freedom Away – Reporting everything to the IRS with 1099s

A standing military force with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defense against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.

A standing military force with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defense against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.  James Madison

Southwest airlines privacy policy ignored.

Southwest Airlines sends someone else’s flight details and provides (a) no means to notify them and (b) no means to unsubscribe. Great privacy policy, Southwest. And they say they don’t care if it is published:

Receipt and Itinerary as of 05/16/10 2:05 PM
Confirmation Number

Confirmation Date: 05/16/10

Be prepared when you get there!
Consult Travel Guide for Continue reading Southwest airlines privacy policy ignored.