Category Archives: Quotations Freedom

The Clinton Administration’s health care plan is a large down payment …

The Clinton Administration’s health care plan is a large down payment on socialism, with future installments certain to be larger than advertised, whether measured in money or in lost freedom to make our own decisions about medical care that are literally questions of life and death. Thomas Sowell
Dr. Thomas Sowell, Forbes, January 17, 1994, (1930- ) American writer, scholar and economist, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute,Stanford, California

‘Life is the division of human cells, a process that begins with conception…. The [Supreme Court’s abortion] ruling was unjust, and it is incumbent on the Congress to correct the injustice. I have always been supportive of pro-life legislation. I intend to remain steadfast on this issue…. I believe that the life of the unborn should be protected at all costs.In 1987, however, Mr. Gephardt decided to run for president, and he soon announced that he had discontinued his support for pro-life legislation. Specifically, he informed the National Right to Life Committee, ‘I do not support any Constitutional Amendment pertaining to the legality of abortion.’ Richard Gephardt
Rep. Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.) in 1984

As long as Americans believe in the morality of altruism, that the …

As long as Americans believe in the morality of altruism, that the need of some is a claim on others to provide it, they will go for the political promises. … [S]ince the elderly need a drug benefit or wish it, and the rest have to sacrifice to meet it – by force. That is the lure and promise of political miracles. Rohit Rupta
June 20, 2003, Investor’s Business Daily