Category Archives: Quotations Freedom

If men of wisdom and knowledge, of moderation and temperance, of patience, …

If men of wisdom and knowledge, of moderation and temperance, of patience, fortitude and perseverance, of sobriety and true republican simplicity of manners, of zeal for the honour of the Supreme Being and the welfare of the commonwealth; if men possessed of these other excellent qualities are chosen to fill the seats of government, we may expect that our affairs will rest on a solid and permanent foundation. Samuel Adams
(1722-1803) – American revolutionary

We just think that that’s a mistake, to go with price …

We just think that that’s a mistake, to go with price caps. It seems to offer short-term relief, but, in fact, what happens is that when you set the price cap in the short term to provide short-term relief, you don’t get as much conservation as would otherwise occur and you also, at the same time, don’t get as much additional production. Vice President Dick Cheney
June 26, 2001, Investor’s Business Daily

There was a time when empires were defined by land mass, subjugated …

There was a time when empires were defined by land mass, subjugated peoples, and military might. But the United States is unique because we are an empire of ideals. For two hundred years we have been set apart by our faith in the ideals of democracy, of free men and free markets, and of the extraordinary possibilities that lie within seemingly ordinary men and women. We believe that no power of government is as formidable a force for good as the creativity and entrepreneurial drive of the American people. Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan, 1992 Republican Convention

MR. RUSSERT: Senator, what did you think of the 1996 Clinton-Gore …

MR. RUSSERT: Senator, what did you think of the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign’s approach to fund-raising? MR. BRADLEY: I thought that a lot of people in politics were embarrassed by it, quite frankly. I think Republicans and Democrats were disgraceful in that fund-raising program in 1996. Now, I think Al had the right point. … And what I learned is that you’ve had seven years to actually do something on campaign-finance reform, and nothing has happened. I remember visiting the White House in 1993, Democratic Congress, both Senate and House, and urging the president to act on campaign-finance reform. Now, I don’t know if you were in the loop or not, but the fact of the matter is that no action took place. And when we say what we… VICE PRES. GORE: Because all the Republicans voted against it. MR. BRADLEY: …what we need to do… VICE PRES. GORE: And they controlled the Senate. MR. BRADLEY: …what we – where was the effort made, Al, in 1993? VICE PRES. GORE: We got every single Democratic senator to vote for it. Al Gore
Stating that the Republicans control the Senate in 1993, which is obviously untrue. From Meet the Press 12/19/99

The UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that everyone …

The UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, except as may be subject to such limitations as are prescribed by law.Article 19 establishes the right to freedom of expression, except as prescribed by law,Article 21 establishes the right to peaceful assembly, except as prescribed by law.Article 22 establishes the right to freedom of association, except as prescribed by law.As is clearly evident, all these supposed ‘rights and freedoms’ which, according to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, are irrevocable by government, ***are now rights and freedoms dispensed and controlled*** by a central government called the UN.So much for an ‘inalienable right’.