The UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, except as may be subject to such limitations as are prescribed by law.Article 19 establishes the right to freedom of expression, except as prescribed by law,Article 21 establishes the right to peaceful assembly, except as prescribed by law.Article 22 establishes the right to freedom of association, except as prescribed by law.As is clearly evident, all these supposed ‘rights and freedoms’ which, according to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, are irrevocable by government, ***are now rights and freedoms dispensed and controlled*** by a central government called the UN.So much for an ‘inalienable right’.
Category Archives: Quotations Freedom
[T]he removal of trade restrictions throughout the world would do more for the cause of universal peace than can any political union of peoples separated by trade barriers. Frank Chodorov
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice …
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is. Yogi Berra
We’re doing what’s right today. Steve Jobs …
We’re doing what’s right today.
Steve Jobs
It should be noted that while the State is the sort of …
It should be noted that while the State is the sort of institution which performs small tasks badly, it performs large tasks badly also. Robert Anton Wilson
We’re going to pick up Senate seats as a result of …
We’re going to pick up Senate seats as a result of this war [in 2008]. Sen. Schumer has shown me numbers that are compelling and astounding. Senator Harry Reid
On the meaning of the Iraq War to the Democrat Party, April 13, 2007
Only half of all hybrid vehicles on the U.S. market are …
Only half of all hybrid vehicles on the U.S. market are more fuel-efficient than their non-hybrid versions, researchers at the Union of Concerned Scientists find: some models pair a big gas-guzzling engine with hybrid technology in a way that enhances only performance, not fuel economy, explains UCS’s David Friedman. Newsweek
April 14, 2008
The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over …
The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation…(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. James Madison
James Madison Federalist #46 (1751-1836)
It is said that he fought against the looting rulers and returned …
It is said that he fought against the looting rulers and returned the loot to those who had been robbed, but that is not the meaning of the legend which has survived. He is remembered, not as a champion of property, but as a champion of need, not as a defender of the robbed, but as a provider of the poor. He is held to be the first man who assumed a halo of virtue by practicing charity with wealth which he did not own, by giving away goods which he had not produced, by making others pay for the luxury of his pity. Ayn Rand
On Robin Hood, in Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, 1905-1982
Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits. Mark Twain Samuel …
Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits.
Mark Twain
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910)