Category Archives: Quotations Freedom

‘We do have inveterate antipathy for communism — or paranoia as I like to put it,’ young Gore wrote to his father. He went on to consider the policy implications of this American Cold War obsession. ‘My own belief is that this form of psychological ailment — in this case a national — leads the victim to actually create the thing which is feared the most. It strikes me that this is precisely what the U.S. has been doing. Creating — and if not creating, energetically supporting — fascist, totalitarian regimes in the name of fighting totalitarianism. Greece, South Vietnam, a good deal of Latin America. For me, the best example of all is the U.S. Army.’ Al Gore
The New Yorker, 11/28/94

Collectivism doesn’t work because it’s based on a faulty economic …

Collectivism doesn’t work because it’s based on a faulty economicpremise. There is no such thing as a person’s ‘fair share’ of wealth. The gross national product is not a pizza that must be carefully divided becauseif I get too many slices, you have to eat the box. The economy is expandable and, in any practical sense, limitless. P.J. O’Rourke
(1947- 2022)

[T]here is true evil. People who don’t think that the Devil walks this earth have not seen the things I’ve see. I know through experiences that there are people out there who believe that they have the right to do whatever they like to whomever they choose….These people are not insane. They’re as sane as you and me. But they don’t live by the rules of any moral code, at least not one within human society. They are so incredibly selfish that they live only by their own rules. And these people are horribly, horribly evil. Dr. Wright
in Tears of Rage, John Walsh, on the killer of Adam Walsh