Category Archives: rights

Obama targets Rush Limbaugh.

While obvious for some time, the Politico (Politico) today confirms that President Obama is targeting Rush Limbaugh.

What Obama fails to realize is that this means that Rush begins to set the agenda for the Democrats and in that case they are going to have a tough time of it.  Rush has three hours per day on the air to respond so anyone willing to listen to him will hear the truth instead of the Obama and mainstream media’s spin.  While good for Rush, letting him set the agenda will be bad for the President.

It should also be noted that:

  1. Enemies lists are not acceptable.  President Nixon would be proud.
  2. It is now acceptable for the President to target private citizens (well, it was before just ask “Joe the Plumber”).  Imagine if it were you next and had no way to respond.
  3. It is acceptable for the President of the United States to take what a private citizen says out of context and publicize it.  Amazing and scary.

HR-45, the Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009

It didn’t take long to introduce more gun ownership regulation.  (See  The short list of requirements are:

1. Guns must be registered (any rifle with a clip or any pistol)

2. You must be fingerprinted.

3. You must supply your social Continue reading HR-45, the Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009

President Clinton Ignores First Amendment

Yesterday (Feb 13, 2009) radio host Mario Solis Marich asked former President Bill Clinton if it was time for “some type of enforced media accountability.”  Clinton replied:

“Well, you either ought to have the Fairness Doctrine or we ought to have more balance on the other side, because essentially there’s always been a lot of big money to support the right wing talk shows and let face it, you know, Rush Limbaugh is fairly entertaining even when he is saying things that I think are ridiculous….”


For someone who attended law school and was President of the United States to blatantly ignore the First Amendment to the Constitution (not to mention the fact that the Constitution gives the Federal Government no power to regulate the press) is appalling.  

When all power is concentrated in Washington and there is no one permitted to speak up for Freedom and Liberty, we can look back on comments such as these and see the steps we took to get there.

Obama co-sponsers national finger-print database bill

Senators Mel Martinez and Diane Feinstein along with 11 co-sponsors include Barack Obama have authored a bill creating a national finger-print registry according to analysis of the bill. Yet another step towards asurveillancesociety. And another hint of the type of “Change” that Barack Obama will support – fewer freedoms.


Martinez press release:

Heritage Foundation on the issue:

Commander in chief of our economy? How about Freedom?

“It’s time for a president who is ready on day one to be the commander in chief of our economy.” Hillary Clinton, March 27, 2008

“I don’t want to run the national economy! I want your national economy runners to leave me alone!” Dagny Taggart, Atlas Shrugged

The nature of freedom is being in charge of your own life. Freedom means freedom in every sense, from the economy to your personal life. A free people do not need a “commander in chief” of our economy. Liberty means you can live on a commune in Wisconsin or a free city in Florida. A free economy implies capitalism. All other statist systems from communism to socialism to fascism, rely on force to take your freedom away from you. The people who say “capitalism does not work” are saying “freedom doesn’t work.”And what they mean by that is they want power over you to force you to change reality for them and make the economic systems based on force work.

There is no middle ground between liberty and tyranny.

Sharpton says don’t seat Florida and Michigan Delegates in 2008

“I firmly believe that changing the rules now, and seating delegates from Florida and Michigan at this point would not only violate the Democratic party’s rules of fairness, but also would be a grave injustice. …I knew the rules, abided by them, and ultimately accepted the consequences. Changing the rules in the middle of a presidential contest is patently unfair both to the candidates (including Senator Edwards) and to Democratic voters everywhere.” – Al Sharpton, February 13, 2008, part of Rev Sharpton’s letter.

Reverend Sharpton,you are exactly right,thank you for stating that. Changing the rules in the middle of the game is patently unfair. As a Florida resident I don’t like the handling of the delegates for the Democrats or Republicans, but the rules were set by both parties for 2008 and we are stuck with them now. Perhaps for 2012 the parties will revise their rules in light of these events.

Spying Upon Ourselves

United States Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, is drafting a plan that is supposed to protect America?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s cyberspace. The plan, according to The New Yorker (January 14, 2008) is that “the government must have the ability to read all the information crossing the Internet in the United States.” Yes, you read it right, in order to protect us, we must give up all our rights to privacy. Prisoners in jail have given up their right to privacy, not voluntarily of course, as we are asked to do. Prisoners can be moved, strip searched, cavity searched, and have their mail search at the whim of their jailers. But they are safe. Oh yes, very, very safe. As will be the people of the United States with the Federal Government as our Jailer, at least that is the plan. The prisoners who are following the rules of the jail have nothing to fear, they are told. And yet they still must submit whenever they are ordered. The United States can be both free and safe. A false choice is being created in order to increase the power of the Federal Government. Do we want to be a nation of prisoners? Do we want to be a nation that must watch every word or spend months explaining what was meant by a particular sentence. When all dissent is monitored, dissent becomes impossible.

People act is if there is a difference between civil liberties and liberty. There isn’t. We will be free in all areas or will be in none. There is no difference between those who wish to limit our economic liberty that those who wish to limit or “civil” liberty. Limiting our liberty in one area necessitates its loss in all other areas. The ramifications of one small loss of liberty multiplies across all others. We will be free or not. Half-free and half-slave is a contradiction in terms and impossible in reality. Continue reading Spying Upon Ourselves

Hillary and the Law

“No woman is illegal,” Clinton said, to cheers. (

From someone sworn (as a United States Senator) to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the United States, this is disgraceful. Yet again Hillary Clinton shows her disdain for the laws that she expects everyone else to obey.

A pragmatist is someone who would have compromised with King George. Do we really want pragmatists guarding our liberty?

Spitzer decries Hyperpartisanship

Nothing reflects the result of hyperpartisanship more than the current immigration debate, which has become so toxic that anytime a practical proposal is put forward, it is shot down before it can even be weighed on its merits. New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, November 14, 2007

One wonders what Gov. Spitzer would have said about Patrick Henry saying “give me liberty, or give me death!”Governor Spitzer, it is not hyperpartisanship to defend freedom, liberty and the rule of law. The steps to immigration are well spelled out. Immigrants are great. Illegal immigration is breaking the law by definition.Anyone who decries so-called “hyperpartisanship” wishes to confuse the issue, marginalize people in order to increase their own power, and decrease the liberty of the people of the United States. The “hyperpartisans” are those who are willing to trade your liberty for their power. Compromise over freedom only has one result – loss of liberty. When the choice is freedom or anything else, freedom by definition will lose in any compromise. And once lost, freedom is much more difficult to regain. Gov. Spitzer, there are at least three steps:1. Border security.2. Encourage freedom and the rule of law elsewhere to make life better for the citizens of the countries there.3. Then deal with the problem here.It is not Hyperpartisanship to point that out. It is not “hyperpartisanship” to state the freedom should not be compromised on. It is not “hyperpartisanship” to defend liberty.

Where is the middle ground between good and evil?  Where is the middle ground between freedom and tyranny? Where is the middle ground between liberty and slavery?  There can be no compromise between you and your destroyers unless you willingly accept your own destruction.  Without liberty your life is not your own, it belongs to those who enslave you.  Enslavement for a good cause is still enslavement.

There is no ground for compromise between people who want to take your freedom from you.  Partisanship is not saying “no” to enslavement.  The evil here is not those standing up for liberty, the evil is those attempting to take it.