Category Archives: The New Civility

“This is the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians” Eleanor Holmes Norton

“This is the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians” Eleanor Holmes Norton, Democrat

Eleanor Holmes Norton, Democrat showing how the “New Civility” in Washington works.  The District of Columbia should have more local control, but for 6 months the House, Senate, and White House failed to pass a budget, now when the Republican House actually does so, Jesse Jackson, the Senate, and the White House don’t like it and refuse to go along.  Well, as the President said in January 2009, “[They] won.”

They should have passed a budget when they were obligated to do so instead of passing the buck and then complaining when someone comes along who is responsible enough to follow the Constitution.


See :

“If Boehner shuts down the government I am taking my trash to his house”-Facebook event

“If Boehner shuts down the government I am taking my trash to his house”-Facebook event.  So, let’s get this straight: if the Democrat controlled House, Senate and President FAILED to pass a budget for 6 months and waited until the Republican House is sworn in, and the President FAILS to sign another continuing resolution, this is the Republicans fault?  Never mind the irresponsibility of failing to do so for half a year.  Never mind that there are 3 parties involved – the House, Senate and President and yet these idiots choose to pick one to blame.

Then you have Jonah Goodman and Nolan Treadway implementing the “New Civility” by advocating dumping trash at John Boehner’s House in Washington DC.  It is nice to see that the “New Civility” only applies to certain groups.

Stop expecting everyone else to pay for your stuff and maybe we wouldn’t be in such a bad place budget-wise.  Take responsibility for your own life, help others, and don’t force others to pay for your choices.

Democrats the party of “No!”

The Facebook event is here.


Katherine Windels charged with two felony counts for death threats against Wisconsin lawmakers

Madison, WI — A 26-year-old woman was charged Thursday with two felony counts and two misdemeanor counts accusing her of making email threats against Wisconsin lawmakers during the height of the battle over Gov. Scott Walker’s budget-repair bill.   In part she stated “Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your families will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. I hope you have a good time in hell.”


The New Civility.  And this from an elementary school teacher in Madison.