Black students have the lowest grade point average of any student group. …

Black students have the lowest grade point average of any student group. If whites were not so preoccupied with escaping their own guilt, they would see that the real problem is not racism; it is that black students are failing in tragic numbers. They don’t need separate dorms and yearbooks. They need basic academic skills. But instead they are taught that extra entitlements are their due and that the greatest power of all is the power that comes to them as victims. If they want to get anywhere in American life, they had better wear their victimization on their sleeve, they had better tap into white guilt, making whites want to escape by offering money, status, racial preferences — something, anything–in return. Is this the way for a race that has been oppressed to come into its own? is this the way to achieve independence? Shelby Steele
Shelby Steele, 1992

Why the so-called experts should be taken with a bag of salt.

Looking to blame one person is completely irresponsible.  The experts have said multiple things at multiple times and each time do you think they were lying to everyone in the country while telling the President the opposite?

Since the end of February, despite the so-called experts advocating otherwise, we have been wearing masks and told others to do so. They only admitted in April that mask should be worn, and then in November 2020 that masks protect you, not just other people.

Remember their famous statements.

– We need to remember that the “health and medical professionals” told us for months that masks didn’t help?  Later we found out the they did it to conserve PPE for other people?  (TheHill: “[Fauci] also acknowledged that masks were initially not recommended to the general public so that first responders wouldn’t feel the strain of a shortage of PPE. [Fauci] explained that public health experts “were concerned the public health community, and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply.”)

– We need to remember that Congressional Democrats called him xenophobic and racist for instituting a travel ban?  If anything, it should’ve been a complete travel ban at the end of January with mandatory 2 week quarantine coming from anywhere.

– We need to remember that on February 24, 2020 San Francisco Nancy Pelosi encouraged people to go out. ” this fear is – I think – unwarranted in light of the precautions that are being taken here in the United States.”

– We need to remember that in NYC on March 11, 2020, de Blasio said “If you’re not sick, you should be going about your life.”  Earlier NYC officials had also encouraged mingling.

– We need to remember that Fauci told us on January 26, 2020: to John Catsimatidis, a syndicated radio host in New York. “What can you tell the American people about what’s been going on?” Catsimatidis asked. “Should they be scared?”

“I don’t think so,” Fauci said. “The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It’s a very, very low risk to the United States, but it’s something we, as public health officials, need to take very seriously.”

– We need to remember that Fauci told us “DR. FAUCI: Right. Well, first of all, MARGARET, that one year timeline would be the world’s indoor record of ever getting a vaccine out, at least to be able to early deploy. You can’t do any better than that. If you go any faster, you’ll be cutting dangerous corners.”

-It wasn’t until November 2020 that the CDC finally acknowledged masks protect you, not just others.

The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it …

The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately. One step above the sublime makes the ridiculous, and one step above the ridiculous makes the sublime again. Thomas Paine
Age of Reason. Part ii. note. (Probably this is the original of Napoleon’s celebrated mot, ‘Du sublime au ridicule il n’y a qu’un pas’ (From the sublime to the ridiculous there is but one step).) 1737-1809.

The Wall Street Journal: Winter Offers Perfect Conditions for Covid-19 Spread, Studies Show

Trump’s comment about summer vs winter was close:
Winter Offers Perfect Conditions for Covid-19 Spread, Studies Show Scientists have marshaled evidence that airborne transmission of the coronavirus is strongly affected by changes in temperature and humidity.
Read in The Wall Street Journal:
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Money is preferable to politics. It is the difference between being free …

Money is preferable to politics. It is the difference between being free to be anybody you want and to vote for anybody you want. And money is more effective than politics both in solving problems and in providing individual independence. To rid ourselves of all the trouble in the world, we need to make money. And to make money, we need to be free. P. J. O’Rourke

“Bitcoin is inevitable “

What 5 crypto experts say about Bitcoin hitting an all-time high With Bitcoin hitting an all-time high this week, major players are reflecting on how far the space has evolved since the previous record set in December 2017. The bullish case appears to be intact as institutional interest remains elevated for Bitcoin. Five crypto experts weighed in on its rally, explaining why Bitcoin has room to go higher and how the dollar’s weakness will fuel it further. Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories. Read in Business Insider:
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Individual Rights and Today's Issue