Obstructionism and extremism by President and Senate risk default?

The foot dragging, obstructionism, and extremism demonstrated by the President and the Senate show that they are not serious about being financially responsible. Extreme spenders are like addicts and are reluctant to cut off their habit. But what do you expect from the extremist, obstructionist, power-hungry politicians in Washington?

It is appalling that the Democrat President and Democrat Senate will not compromise with the Republicans here and live within our means. The Democrat politicians clearly do not understand the complexities of the world.

Shared Sacrifice – everyone pays income taxes?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) files a cloture motion on Senate bill 1323, a “Sense of the Senate” bill on “Shared Sacrifice.”

We don’t suppose that this means that EVERYONE will pay income taxes? No, Senator Harry Reid means “some people will pay a lot more and nearly 50% of the people will pay no income taxes” when he says “shared sacrifice.”


Talk about abuse of the English language right out of 1984.


Extremist Democrat Demagogues in Washington reach new heights (or low?)

Will the extremist Democrat Demagogues in Washington be financially responsible?  Will the sun go dark at noon tomorrow?  This week the President has reached a new low in demagoguery.

The President demagogues about the rich and their jets while a Democrat controlled House and filibuster-proof Senate passed with President Obama’s signature, the very  provisions President Obama is complaining about.

This goes to show how far the extremist Democrat demagogues in Washington go to hold on to their own power instead of doing what is right and responsible.

The extreme spenders in Washington are more concerned about their own power rather than financial responsibility.  The height of extremist foot-dragging has come from the President this week.

A court says that minorities are burdened by being held to the same standards as everyone else?

“A federal appeals court has struck down Michigan’s ban on the consideration of race and gender when enrolling students at public colleges and universities because it burdens minorities.”

What does it mean when a court says that minorities are burdened by being held to the same standards as everyone else when applying to college?  Think about what it implies about minorities!

And worse, it is institutional racism.

A tax loophole is a term that is part of a law voted on by Congress and the President which is used to manipulate the uninformed.

A tax loophole is a term that is part of a law voted on by Congress and the President which is used to manipulate the uninformed.   When you hear a politician use the word “loophole” you can know that they are trying to manipulate you and should look closely at whatever is said thereafter.

For example the “tax loophole” regarding “corporate jets” that was lambasted by the President on June 29, 2011 was included in President Obama’s own stimulus package from 2009.  It is called “accelerated depreciation.”

It is the height of insanity to have the Democrat controlled House, the Democrat controlled Senate (filibuster proof at the time) with a Democrat President pass the provision on “accelerated depreciation” in 2009.  And then a little over two years later in 2011 lambast the Republicans for the tax law when its renewal was a completely Democrat construction and no Republican could stop it.

Yet none of the mainstream media bothered to report this or seemingly even research it.

One could call the home mortgage deduction a “loophole” as well as anything else that the Congress and President have put into law.

A loophole is part of a tax law that a politician now wants to demagogue about.

Obama is the most successful food stamp president in American history.

“If you are the Republicans you should say we have more people on food stamps today than ever before in history. President Obama is the most successful food stamp president in American history. We need a program to put 14 million Americans back to work. We are committed to creating jobs. The Democrats are committed to killing jobs. You decide which future you want, paychecks or food stamps? Republicans shouldn’t flinch because Democrats yell class warfare. Republicans shouldn’t blink and run for the hills. They ought to be calm and say this is the Obama depression it is going to get worse under his policies and we ought to change it now.”  Newt Gingrich


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