Obama creates ‘truth squad’

KMOV reports:”Last Tuesday without any fanfare, the Barack Obama campaign announced Jennifer Joyce and Bob McCulloch, the top prosecutors in St. Louis city and St. Louis County, were joining something called an Obama truth squad.”

The governor of Missouri responded today, appropriately illustrating the outrageousness of these actions. In a free society, such tactics areabhorrentandreminiscentof the police state tactics of the USSR:

?¢‚Ǩ?ìSt. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of hisMissouricampaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.

Continue reading Obama creates ‘truth squad’

Biden says higher taxes are patriotic!

After noting that wealthier Americans would indeed pay more taxes, Biden said, “It’s time to be patriotic … time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut.”

Joe, two questions for you:

First, how patriotic have you been in the past 20 years? Have you been paying extra taxes to be patriotic?

Continue reading Biden says higher taxes are patriotic!

Theodore Roosevelt: Anarchist is the enemy of humanity

Theodore Roosevelt: Anarchist is the enemy of humanity

“When compared with the suppression of anarchy every other question sinks into insignificance. The anarchist is the enemy of humanity, the enemy of all mankind, and his is a deeper degree of criminality than any other. No immigrant is allowed to come to our shores if he is an anarchist; and no paper published here or abroad should be permitted circulation in this country if it propagates anarchist opinions.”

– President Theodore Roosevelt (April 9, 1908)

‘My Muslim faith’ – Barack Obama

On ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopooulos, September 7, 2008, after GS stated”The McCain campaign has never suggested you have Muslim connections.”

Senator Obama replied: “Let’s not play games. What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you’re absolutely right that that has not come.”

After Stephanopooulos interrupted with “Christian faith,” Senator Obama changed what he said to “Christian faith.”

If you are Muslim, have you ever said “My Christian faith”? If you are Christian, do you ever say “My Muslim faith”? Or “My Jewish faith?” If you are Jewish, have you ever said “My Christian faith”? Or “My Muslim faith?”

You decide.  Not that his faith itself is a problem, whatever it is, honesty is the issue.  Faith is a personal matter between the individual and God.

Obama on Palin’s Family

Kudos to Barack Obama:

“Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And ifI thought there was somebody in my campaign who was involved in something like that, they would be fired.”

Whether or not this is a political calculation or not, this is the right thing. If the candidate doesn’t bring his or her family into the issue, the press should not do so.

Biden claims credit for the Patriot Act

When I was chairman in ’94 I introduced a major antiterrorism bill–back then. I drafted a terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City bombing. And the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill.  Joe Biden, October 2001 discussing the Patriot Act.

He got the year wrong, it was 1995, but he has claimed similar things at other times – that he should be given credit for the Patriot Act.  And he supported the “Real ID Act” which makes the Patriot Act look bland in terms of privacy violations.  Nationalized, electronic record, government controlled health care will make both Acts above look like sweet little bunnies in comparison.

Individual Rights and Today's Issue