Tag Archives: CDC

As predicted, FDA, CDC and Fauci lied about Pfizer boosters

As predicted back in September the, FDA, CDC and Fauci lied about boosters and have reduced the wait from six or eight or more months to five months.

Perhaps they are not following the data and the science, but it was clear back in July, August and September that 8 or even 6 months was too long and the shots were failing to provide protection.

With omicron, there are a lot of breakthrough cases even after 2-3 months post booster even though the President was lying today about it being a pandemic of the unvaccinated.




CDC changes definition of vaccine

It intriguing how the CDC changed their definition of terms in the last week or so from:

“Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease” (per the wayback machine) to

“Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” (per the web site earlier today).

I am really curious about the timing of why at this specific time, did the CDC decide that the definition of vaccine needed to be changed.
To me it says: they are seeing more trouble with the vaccines than they are saying publicly and don’t want to be held to the old definition of what a vaccine is vs a therapeutic. It doesn’t matter from a usage standpoint, but it does from an accountability standpoint.

CDC says it erroneously posted guidance that said coronavirus spreads through air and and travel beyond six feet

How can you possible post that in error? This isn’t some little typo, this is a full, written guidance. It is more likely the “erroneously posted the truth.”

CNBC: CDC says it erroneously posted guidance that said coronavirus spreads through air and and travel beyond six feet