Some of the signs from the tea parties across the United States earlier today:
Spread my Work Ethic, not my wealth!
Change…giving freeloaders some of what YOU have worked hard for!
Help me Obama, They want me to work and stuff!
Cut taxes, not deals
What part of “limited powers” do you not understand?
It’s my birthday, and all Obama got me was more debt!
It’s my birthday, and all Obama got me was more taxes!
Why make a corrupt government even BIGGER?
Why should I pay for your bad decisions?
Party like its 1773
Obamanomics – Trickle up poverty
Term Limits for Congress!
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. George Bernard Shaw
No tax cuts for non-taxpayers!
Cut taxes, NOT more deal$
Freedom Works!
Freedom is all the stimulus we need!
Change is all we’ve got left!
Stop spending money I haven’t earned yet (seen with a 10 year old)
Free speech is not extremism
You are not spending Monopoly Money!
I’ll keep the freedom, you keep the change
Wall Street got a Bailout, Bailout, Bailout, all I got was the bill!
Don’t tax me Bro!
Insanity is trying socialism over and over again and expecting a different result.
As government expands, liberty contracts. Ronald Reagan, Jan 1989
“DHS Approved”
“Welcome Right Wing Extremists”
If we all paid taxes, we’d ALL be equal.
Get the Pirates out of Washington
Give me liberty, not debt
Wake up and smell the dictator
The worst Pirat is Obamunism
Pork for breakfast, not for Congress
If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until it is free!
I’m not an ATM, Mr. President.
Right wing extremists: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin
Mr. President: FYI, we stopped BOWING to Kings after 1776
ACORN: Seed of the Obamanut Tree
SOS: Stop Obscene Spending
It’s NOON, do you know where you Wallet is?
A society of sheep eventually begets a government of wolves.
The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money
Free minds demand free markets.
I am an American, NO and Extremist!
Free markets, not free-loaders!
My paycheck is NOT your piggybank
DHS warns about “disgruntled military veterans.” Is that how we support our troops?