For most Americans, the world beyond the US’s borders is nothing more than an irritating nuisance

For most Americans, the world beyond the US’s borders is nothing more than an irritating nuisance. Hence arguments based on appeals about drowning Bangladeshis, starving Africans and flooded islands in Indonesia have little effect. … Many Americans clearly also believe that real climate change is just something dreamt up by the entertainment industry.  – Der Spiegel.  (See article).

You have to wonder about the author of the article with such short-sighted and ignorant comments.  We might say something like the following: “The people that brought us two world wars now want to control the rest of the world through climate change agreements instead of by force, but controlling us is what they want.”

Then again, we wouldn’t want to step down to anywhere near the level of Der Spiegel, but the authors comments are still some of the most ignorant we’ve heard from Germany in a while.  Der Spiegel might want to encourage to give freedom a try instead of pushing a socialist agenda. Freedom does not sit well with much of Europe.  Seeing a country that still is much freer than all of Europe can’t sit well when looking in the mirror.  Freedom in a country that saved them from complete totalitarianism twice in the last century can’t sit well when they have slowly given away their freedoms to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.  Slavery for a good cause is still slavery.  Being manipulated into believing in man-made global warming may be comforting in that you can be “for” a “good cause,” but it is still being manipulated.