Mexican President Felipe Calderon warned Mexico would reject any effort to “criminalize migration.”

Mexican President Felipe Calderon warned Mexico would reject any effort to “criminalize migration.”  May 19, 2010

The hypocrisy of the Mexican President is evident if you consider the facts.  It is terrible that the President of a country like Mexico would be so dishonest as to play politics with the lives of Mexican citizens.

Mexico, annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does. In 2005 ALONE, Mexico deported approximately 250,000 “migrationists” from Central America.   Mexico has criminalized migration.

Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are in the country legally, have the means to sustain themselves economically, not destined to be burdens on society, of economic and social benefit to society, of good character and have no criminal records, and will contribute to the general well-being of the nation.

Mexico has a record for each foreign visitor, ensuring that visa status are not violated.  Visitors can not interfere with internal politics, visitors who come to Mexico under ‘false pretenses’ are deported or imprisoned and those who aid illegal immigrants are imprisoned.

President Calderon, please be honest.