NRSC states they won’t support Republican Senate Candidate Christine O’Donnell in Delaware

Christine O’Donnell beat Mike Castle for the GOP Senate nomination in Delaware, but the National Republican Senatorial Committee has stated they won’t help her in November. Republican leaders have told Jonathan Karl, ABC News that “They will do nothing to help her campaign. They will not spend a dime on it.”

The National Republican Senatorial Committee will not be getting “a dime” from many people because of this.

Calls to the NRSC at 202-675-6000 were not answered and emails to have not yet been returned. The more people who call, the more likely we’ll be to get a response.

You can also register your displeasure on the NRSC’s Facebook page. Let them know that you will not support the NRSC when they are supporting the Democrat in Delaware. Christine O’Donnell has principles, Mike Castle had expediency for power. Without principles you have no guidance expect personal aggrandizement and power. And if your principles are not based in liberty, you will have no one to blame but yourself when your freedom is lost.

Stand up for freedom, not the same-old politicians. Donate directly to the freedom-friendly, liberty-loving candidates themselves and cut the good-old-boys in Washington out.

O’Donnell’s website:
Christine O’Donnell 2010.

And Facebook.