Black students have the lowest grade point average of any student group. …

Black students have the lowest grade point average of any student group. If whites were not so preoccupied with escaping their own guilt, they would see that the real problem is not racism; it is that black students are failing in tragic numbers. They don’t need separate dorms and yearbooks. They need basic academic skills. But instead they are taught that extra entitlements are their due and that the greatest power of all is the power that comes to them as victims. If they want to get anywhere in American life, they had better wear their victimization on their sleeve, they had better tap into white guilt, making whites want to escape by offering money, status, racial preferences — something, anything–in return. Is this the way for a race that has been oppressed to come into its own? is this the way to achieve independence? Shelby Steele
Shelby Steele, 1992