All posts by admin
We are on the verge of having way too much dictatorship in Washington, D.C. – Ron Paul
“[W]e are on the verge of having way too much dictatorship in Washington, D.C. … Our rights come from our creator, not our government. … The mainstream wants balanced budgets, sound government and personal liberties — that is mainstream. The shift is in our direction — obeying the Constitution for a change,” – Ron Paul, May 31 2011
Then states: “Paul … faces an uphill battle as many Americans consider his positions to be on the far fringe of the right-wing.”
It is good to know that the “Constitution,” “personal liberties,” “sound government,” and “balanced budgets” are considered in Washington to be “on the far fringe of the right-wing.”
It shows how much freedom we have lost.
“I SHOULD PREFER to an ordinary death, being immersed with a few friends in a cask of Madeira…Benjamin Franklin, 1773”
“I SHOULD PREFER to an ordinary death, being immersed with a few friends in a cask of Madeira, until that time, then to be recalled to life by the solar warmth of my dear country! But in all probability, we live in a century too little advanced, and too near the infancy of science, to see such an art brought in our time to its perfection.”
Benjamin Franklin, 1773.
Baltimore police detain someone for taking pictures
Baltimore police detain someone for taking pictures. They admit it is not a crime, but then detain him. This officer shows his ignorance. Officer Scheidt in particular does not know the law.
They seem to think that you can not ask an illegal alien to provide ID, but you can ask a citizen to do so even when the police have admitted that he was not breaking the law. Talk about a kafkaesque world.
Exercise your rights or lose them.
[Update June 2, 2011]: It appears now that the MTA admits the officers were wrong. “They can most certainly take photos of our system,” Ralign Wells, the MTA Administrator, said. “We’ll look at our training processes, we’ll look at whether any administrative situations need to occur with those officers,” Wells added.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz denounced Republicans last week for believing illegal immigration “should in fact be a crime.”
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D.-Fla.), chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, denounced Republicans last week for believing illegal immigration “should in fact be a crime.”
Rep. Wasserman Schultz missed the “illegal” part in “illegal immigration.” HINT to the Rep, illegal immigration by definition is a crime.
Talk about a fool.
Maybe, things that are “illegal” are no longer crimes? Gives a license to everyone.
NFTA Police in Buffalo NY threaten to “f***ing break your face” if he records
NFTA Police in Buffalo NY threaten to “f***ing break your face” if he records. The video says it all:
Police slam man into wall leaving him in coma
Police slam man into wall leaving him in coma after erroneously believing he was involved in an assault.
Autopen machines are unconstitutional
“the president would use an autopen machine that holds a pen and signs his actual signature [on the renewed Patriot Act]. ” the White House said.
Article 1, Section 7 of the United States says: “If he approve he shall sign it…” regarding the “Legislative Process”. Clearly the Constitution intends the President to sign a bill, not have a machine sign Bills. Anything else is unconstitutional.
Yet another example where expediency has trumped the Constitution. Opinions to the contrary are useful to mask the issue and create confusion. The Constitution is clear here and treating it otherwise is disingenuous at best, and treasonous at worst.
This discussion is ignoring the problems with the Patriot Act itself.
Update 5/28: The rational that the President “authorized” it means that ANYONE could sign bills for the President if he “authorized” it. A dog’s muddy footprint would work if it was authorized presumably. What exactly is required to “authorize”? A verbal statement – what about someone faking his voice? A wink – or was that a twitch? Something signed – oh wait, that is what we’re talking about?
The signature of the President IS the authorization for a Bill and it makes no sense to authorize the authorization. Just stating that makes it obvious how crazy the entire idea is.
As an attorney, all the legal memorandums that have been rolled out trying to justify the action are nothing more than ex post facto attempts to justify the autopen.
When President Obama comes home, he should sign the Bill in person and never use the autopen again. The use of the autopen is a farce.
The signature of the President IS the authorization for a Bill and it makes no sense to authorize the authorization.
Debbie Wasserman Shultz calls GOP “anti-women” and “war on women”
The war on women that the Republicans have been waging since they took over the House, I think is going to not only restore but possibly helps us exceed the president’s margin of victory in the next election” Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz
The New Civility at work – lest Wasserman Shultz forgot (maybe she “Sees nothing, knows nothing, and hears nothing“) the Republican Party had a female Vice President on the ticket in 2008.
That sure sounds anti-women to me.
Racist Democrat Jim Clyburn plays the race card
[T]he president’s problems are in large measure because of the color of his skin. – Jim Clyburn, May, 25, 2011
Rep. Clyburn needs to understand that just because he is a racist and judges people based on the color of their skin, it doesn’t mean that most people do. In fact most people don’t care about your skin color. Get over it, the “racism” card could have played 40 or 50 years ago, but not any more. Let’s look at his comment:
1. President Obama is elected, and then the racism starts? Give it up, that is crazy.
2. According to the President, he is half-white, and felt like he was coming home to Ireland. But so what. President Obama’s skin color does not matter. Or is Rep Clyburn embracing the “one drop” theory from two centuries ago? One would hope he was more knowledgable and intelligent than that.
Most of President Obama’s critics base their criticism on policy. There are few who are old-fashioned dinosaurs like Rep. Clyburn who believe that the color of someone’s skin is at all relevant, but most people realized how stupid that was decades ago.
Skin color is irrelevant just as eye color and hair color are. The racist is the one hiding behind skin color to avoid legitimate criticism.
Is this “The New Civility” at work again? When you can’t counter an argument you rely on scaring people and playing the race card.
It is great to note though that not a single member of the democrat controlled Senate voted for the Obama Budget proposal this year. Are Obama’s troubles in the Senate due to the “color of his skin”?