A friend of my cousin’s stated, in defense of ObamaCare, “What is so bad about going to doctor and not having to pay?” One answer is that SOMEONE has to pay. You will pay one way or the other. You will pay in cash, in respect from your friends, and in your liberty. There is no middle ground between being a welfare parasite and being free.
There are two ways of dealing with others – voluntarily or at the point of a gun. This solution is to put a gun to my cousin’s head and the Dr’s head and say, “I don’t want to pay my own way, I want YOU to pay for MY choices.” If you want to be free, the gun is not the logical or moral choice. It is the parasitic choice. The thing is that if my cousin’s friend is doing it to the two of them, there are 100s of people who will be doing it to her. Is that what anyone really wants?
I dare say the slave owners in the South felt the same way: “What is so bad about getting food and water and shelter without having to pay.” Oh, you mean the slaves were paying for it with their lives? But, really, “what is so bad about going to … Continue reading What is so bad about going to doctor and not having to pay?