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Rancor in politics means not compromising on freedom

The Politico states that Obama’s “gift for healing words would combine with the power of his biography to transcend the rancor of modern politics.” (   Rancor in politics is caused by one group attempting to gain power over another and that group fighting back.  To take freedom and turn the United States into a socialist paradise.  To take our liberty for what they claim as a good purpose.  The Founders knew this which was why they enumerated powers in the Constitution.  The authoritarians knew this too and since at least the 1930s have attempted to pit one group against another for the aggrandizement of their own power.  Group politics and group envy is the basis of those power hungry groups who only care about one thing – their own power.

Should the North avoided “rancor” with the South in April of 1861?  Should Roosevelt should have avoided “rancor” with Japan on December 8, 1941?  Should the Africans who were being sold into slavery by their own people to the Europeans have fought or should they have avoided “rancor” in politics?

Anyone who is being sold into serfdom should fight back to preserve their freedoms.  Rancor is perfectly fine. Rancor is good, it means you are engaged and care about being free or being serf.  Rancor means not compromising when it comes to protecting your freedoms.  Rancor means that power-hungry authoritarians are not getting their way.  Rancor means that the line of liberty in the sand is drawn and defended.  Rancor means that the defenders of liberty are not willing to compromise their liberty away bit by bit.

Freedom implies free markets.  Freedom implies free minds.  Freedom implies the freedom to make good, and bad decisions.  Every compromise is a grain of sand dripping out of the hour-glass of freedom.  It may only seem like a single grain, but given enough time eventually the top of the glass will be completely empty.

“The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.”

“The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.”

On Depression-era welfare from Franklin Roosevelt’s 1935 State of the Union Address.

Racist Rep. Charles Rangel

Yet another ugly racist rears his head in the halls of the U.S. Congress. Congressman, Charles Rangel (Racist-NY) showed yet again that he cares more about the color of people’s skin instead of the content of their character.

Why do black people have to bargain for what is theirs? Why do we have to wait for the right to vote? Why can’t we get what God has given us? And that is the right to live as human beings and not negotiate with white southerners and not court the votes.

Sorry, Charlie, some people really care about the policies being discussed and implemented, not the color of people’s skin.  It must be extremely difficult for a 79 year old racist who “forgets” millions of dollars on his financial returns to understand that while he may be a racist and care about skin color, most people are not.  It is apparent to everyone that attempting to divide people on the basis of skin color helps your political career and helps you keep your power over the rest of us, but do something that is right for the country instead of yourself for a change.  Tax evasion is only for the “rest of us” not the politicians in Washington like Rangel.

Stop playing the victim, get some guts and debate something on the merits instead of being a racist, playing the race card.  Renounce your racist policies and statements and then resign.  Stop projecting your own all-consuming racism on the rest of the country.  Of course, Rep. Charles Rangel (Racist-NY) has been playing the race card for years, so what do you expect here?

In short, it is your policies, not your pigment, Charlie.  The same goes for President Obama.  When the mainstream media has been swallowing his guilt trips for years, Rep Rangel shouldn’t take all the blame because he expects that no one will dare call him on his blatant racism.  But no more.  The mainstream media no longer has a stranglehold on opinion and racists are racists no matter what their skin color.

That which was specifically forbidden by the Civil Rights Act is now explicitly (albeit covertly) required by the federal government.  Employers are given quotas of black employees they will hire, records of minority-group employment are diligently maintained, and censuses repeatedly taken.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Reason Magazine, November 2000

Socialized Medicine, immoral abomination

There is no such thing as “free” health care.  Someone is going to pay either you through taxes, doctors/nurses/health professionals through lower salaries and longer hours, individuals through denials of services and long waits.  No one works for free and doctors and nurses are not going to be slaves to the system.

No one who loves freedom would want to give power over their lives to any time of authoritarian no matter how supposedly good the ideal is.  The authoritarians (socialist, communist, fascist etc) are in it for one thing – control and power over you.  Power to take the minutes of your life multiplied by hundreds of millions of people to enrich themselves and their cronies.

It is critical to remember that the smallest minority is a minority of one, the individual, and treating any minority as fodder for the plans of any majority, no matter what rationales are used to justify their actions, is immoral in the extreme.  Who doesn’t want everyone to be healthy and happy?  Who doesn’t want everyone to have health insurance if they want it?  But those are not the questions.  The questions Continue reading Socialized Medicine, immoral abomination

Sotomayor confirmed as the first racist, sexist, Hispanic Justice

The BIZARRO Martin Luther King dream is being realized by President Obama and Justice Sotomayor. Justice Sotomayor and President Obama essentially say “Judge someone based on the color of their skin, not the content of their character.”  Her repeated comments that “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life” (Judge Sonia Sotomayor, 2001 and others) show a temperament clearly unsuited for any court, let alone the highest court in the land.  However, the politicians were much more concerned about not being labeled a racist, sexist than calling a racist, sexist, bigot what she is.

President Obama, it does not matter that Justice Sotomayor is of Hispanic origin or a woman. Just as it does not matter where President Obama’s relatives hailed from.  Justice Sotomayor, it does not matter that you are of Hispanic heritage or a woman.  It is terrible that both the President and a Supreme Court Justice would be so racist as to continue to worry about the color of someone’s skin, so sexist as to care about someone’s gender, and so bigoted as to worry about someone’s heritage, but there you have it: racist, sexist, bigots for both the Supreme Court and the Presidency.

ObamaCare logos for health insurance companies

Some suggested logos and slogans for US Health Care companies who are hoping to survive ObamaCare, the second image adds Geico and Aflac’s suggested versions – both groups remain since the second one is less kid-friendly:

Humana: Bureaucracy when you need it least

UnitedHealthcare: Healing health care. Together. With Death Panels.

Czar Permanente of CA

Aetna:  We want to control you

Statist Farm: And like a good commie,Statist Farm is there

Blue Cross/Red Sickle

Allstatist:  Your in big brother’s hands.

Cigna: Live well. Think Well.  Dream Well.  OR ELSE.

Lieco: A 15 month wait could save us 50% or more!

Alf*&ced (Aflac)

Suggested Insurance Company Logos
Suggested Insurance Company Logos

I will vote adamantly against the interests of my district if I actually think what I am doing is going to be helpful.

I will vote adamantly against the interests of my district if I actually think what I am doing is going to be helpful. Representative Eric Massa (D- NY). August 15, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA (

One usually thinks that people know what is best for themselves.  It is called liberty. Gotta love this guy.

Town Meeting/Town Hall Slogans

Back in April we had Tea Party Slogans, now here are some town meeting slogans:

Obama Lies, Grandma Dies!

Your health plans make me sick!

If socialized medicine is best…why didn’t Ted Kennedy go to Canada?

If Congress likes Obamacare so much, why don’t they test drive it first?

[] Universal Healthcare [] Freedom.  You can only pick one!

Stop!  You’re starting to scare George Orwell!

I am sick and tired of people who call you unpatriotic if you debate this administration’s policies.  We should stand up and say, we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration! – Hillary Clinon

You can’t fix stupid, but you can vote it out!

It doesn’t matter what the sign says, they’ll say its racist anyway!