It’s not the Kennedy seat and its not the Democrat seat, it’s the people’s seat.
Scott Brown, Massachusetts Senate Contendor, January 11, 2010
See video.
It’s not the Kennedy seat and its not the Democrat seat, it’s the people’s seat.
Scott Brown, Massachusetts Senate Contendor, January 11, 2010
See video.
Barack Obama, January 2008: “That’s what I will do in bringing all parties together, not negotiating behind closed doors, but bringing all parties together, and broadcasting those [health care] negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American people can see what the choices are.” (Democratic presidential debate, 1/31/08)
Alas, follow-through is completely lacking.
Check out this article entitled “Taking the Private Jet to Copenhagen“.
Sheryl Crow, John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston, Truie Styler (wife of Sting), Chris Martin (of Coldplay), Barack Obama (flying a St. Louis chef flown 850 miles to make pizza at the White House), Al Gore are not only eco-crusaders, but all are eco-hypocrits with things like multiple houses, fleets of private jets, and fleets of cars.
Read the article for the details.
This video was produced in 1948 and shows exactly the problems we face today (and for years), and the techniques that have been used for 50 years to accomplish the goals. Disunity and division, class-warfare, race relations are the techniques used to divide the free people and to so conquer and enslave them.
Everyone should take the few minutes to watch this and forward it along.
Justice of the Peace Keith Bardwell in Tangipahoa Parish’s 8th Ward refused to perform an “inter-racial” marriage (see here). Now Gov. Bobby Jindal is calling on him to have his license revoked.
While they are right, this “Justice” is anything but someone who dispenses “justice” and should be forced to resign, will the same standard be applied to the racist, sexist Justice Sonia Sotomayor who repeated, over two decades statements such as:
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life” – Judge Sonia Sotomayor, 2001 (similar statements were made in 1994, 1999, 2000 and 2003)
Racism and sexism have no place any court and yet the Obama Administration and Congress have appointed a racist, sexist Supreme Court Justice and heralded it as a step forward.
Racism and sexism on the court is a step backwards. (And the concept of “race” being defined by skin color makes about as much sense as saying “she is a green” because her eyes are green, or “he is a blue” because his eyes or blue, or “he is a red” because he has red hair. It is absolute insanity to think that skin color would change someone’s “race”. We’re all part of the human race, let’s just get over it. Too bad Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Bardwell are too uneducated and bigoted to appreciate reality. And too bad Congress and the President support a sexist, racist like Justice Sotomayor.)
It wasn’t until approximately 120-140 years ago (depending on the area) that the government began getting involved in the marriage licensing business and providing differing impacts based on your marital status. Until that point it was a religious issue. If you found someone to marry you, you got married. Imagine how that would make the political arguments today like this one? They’d go away, it would be the private business of the parties involved. It would be no one else’s business. Likewise it wasn’t until well after the income tax was passed that it was used to encourage (or discourage) marriage. Again, if the government treated individuals equally, it would not be an issue. At the time of the Founding, the thought that the states would be involved in licensing marriage would have been a foreign concept.
As you can see by the comments below, when government gets involved, you end up with a political fight. Which is the intent. That is why (as described here) power-hungry politicians want the government involved in the maximum of issues – they can then divide us and keep their power.
Finally, it is not the business of the Justice here to determine whether or not he personally approves or whether he believes it will harm any potential children. His job is to enforce the law and the laws of the state do not prohibit inter-‘racial’ marriage. Legislation from the bench is wrong no matter who is doing it. If he can not uphold his oath to enforce the laws of the state (or Federal) he should resign. A judge who will not enforce the law is not qualified to serve. Whether he likes it or not, it is just too bad.
Racism is discrimination based on skin color, aka “race” (“colorism” or “skinism” would probably be a more accurate term). Anyone, no matter the language they speak, the color of the eyes, skin or hair, gender or where they are from, who makes distinctions based on the color of someone’s skin is not just racist, they are ignorant. Discrimination for someone’s idea of a good cause is as evil as discrimination for a bad cause.
No doubt the KKK thought their racism was for a “good cause,” but that does not mean it was not ignorant and was not racism. The government must be color-blind in all its affairs or it is condoning racism – for example, affirmative action is not color blind. Just as slavery is bad whether it is “for someone’s idea of a good cause,” “for no cause,” or “for a bad cause” discrimination based on the color of someone’s skin is bad no matter what the motivation. People who discriminate “for” one group are discriminating “against” another and it is wrong, evil, and only encourages strife. Discriminating against the innocent today for the sins of the guilty of the past is fair to no individual, but blatantly promoted by the race peddlers today. Discrimination in favor of the innocent today against other innocents today does nothing to help the people harmed in the past. In short discrimination today will do nothing to remedy the discrimination of the past. Everyone’s ancestors were discriminated against at one point or another. But I am not owed a debt by the people that did it to my ancestors, nor does anyone owe the reverse. The sins of the great-grandmothers are not the sins of the sons.
Anyone who favors discrimination based on skin color is a racist. Period. Anyone who is against Martin Luther King’s dream of people being judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin is a racist by the definition of racism. Affirmative action judges people differently based on the color of their skin. It may be uncomfortable to hear, but affirmative action advocates are racist just as the KKK, no matter that they think racism for a good cause is justified. Just as Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator, former KKK was a blatant pro-KKK racist until at least 1982, affirmative action advocates will eventually have to confront the fact that they are judging people by the color of their skin, just as the KKK does. There are plenty of racists who think “racism for a good cause” is okay, but the impact is the same, you are judging based on the color of someone’s skin, the most evil and ludicrous distinction that can be made.
When the government uses force to enforce racism it is even worse. Being an ignorant individual is protected in a free society, but government racism is not. Everyone is free to be stupid, ignorant, smart or anything else as long as they are willing to bear the cost of so being. People are free to make good decisions and bad decisions as long as they are the ones who pay the price for doing so. However, as the Justices above are both ignorant racists, it is impossible to uphold the law of the land while continuing their racist statements. Being a racist officer of the court is not protect nor should it be tolerated.
The American public…just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act. The American public has to really understand in their core how important this issue is. Dr. Chu, September 21, 2009
When government runs and funds sciences, the sciences are lost. No more scientific inquiry. Too much time licking the boots of their masters. Remember there can be no scientific inquiry when the government controls you. Government scientist is a contradiction in terms. Let’s make a few points clear here:
1. You first, Dr Chu. Then Al Gore, Prince Charles and all the other blow-hards running around in private jets, multiple huge houses (and so many some Members of Congress “forget” about them). You try it first.
2. It is none of your business what we do, this was founded as a free country with strict Constitutional limits of the powers of government. Dr. Steven Chu needs to read his American History before he continues to spout fascist-socialist nonsense.
3. Fascism, statism and socialism are not what we want here.
4. Double-speak, thought police, might be acceptable in a totalitarian regime, but not in the United States.
5. Look at sunspots. Read this [Climate modeling], and this [Al Gore’s house], and this [each leader at U.N. Climate Summit has convoy of vehicles]. “Do as I say, not as I do,” seems to be the motto.
We are not children, Dr. Chu. We are a country of free individuals and taking orders from crack-pots is not in the plan.
Dr. Steven Chu needs to start with examining his history, his facts, and the Constitution. After he is done all that, come back and talk to us again. But the next time Dr. Steven Chu speaks to or about the American people, Chu better do it as equals. An elitist, authoritarian, imperial set of rulers in Washington? Is that what you want?
You have to enjoy the irony of the Chairwomen Louise M. Slaughter, Committee on Rules U.S. House of Representatives giving a summary of decorum in the House and in Committees today.
In part Slaughter states you should not “allude to personal misconduct.” One has to question, first, the Constitutionality of these rules. For example, could the House not have alluded to personal misconduct of President Nixon in the alleged Watergate coverup. Or could not allude to Andrew Johnson’s violation of the Tenure in Office Act – itself probably Unconstitutional due to separation of powers – because it was alleged to be personal misconduct. Likewise, one would have to conclude that the House could not allude to President Clinton committing perjury. In short, it would make the President immune to criticism.
However, the saving point is that it is fascinating that Slaughter uses the word “allude” which means to “suggest or call attention to indirectly” or “hint at.” Given the plain language from Rep Slaughter, as long as one states plainly that “President Obama lied when he stated the government will not take away your health care,” one does not violate the rule. There is no “alluding” going on. It is stated plainly and clearly.
A Member of the House that chooses to follow these rules is violating his or her oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, particularly the First Amendment. The Founders intended robust debate and any rules to the contrary must be ignored. Anything else makes a mockery of the concept of free speech.
Other statements that seem to be allowed:
“President Obama misrepresented the facts when he discussed his health care nationalization proposal.”
“President Obama misinformed you when he gave a speech on socialized medicine.”
In short it seems one can use words like these:
fib, dissemble, dissimulate, prevaricate, stretch the truth, mislead, exaggerate, whopper, falsified, invented, used a piece of fiction, distort, skewed, or misreported.
Likewise, as long as you state something outright, you are not going to run afoul of Rep Slaughter’s speech controls.
Continue reading House of Representatives Limits free speech!
Back in April we had Tea Party Slogans, now here are some town meeting slogans:
Obama Lies, Grandma Dies!
Your health plans make me sick!
If socialized medicine is best…why didn’t Ted Kennedy go to Canada?
If Congress likes Obamacare so much, why don’t they test drive it first?
[] Universal Healthcare [] Freedom. You can only pick one!
Stop! You’re starting to scare George Orwell!
I am sick and tired of people who call you unpatriotic if you debate this administration’s policies. We should stand up and say, we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration! – Hillary Clinon
You can’t fix stupid, but you can vote it out!
It doesn’t matter what the sign says, they’ll say its racist anyway!
Climate change is very real. Global warming creates volatility. I feel it when I’m flying. The storms are more volatile. We are paying the price in more hurricanes and tornadoes.
Detroit News interview, August 10, 2009, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.) – appointed to the Senate Energy Committee
A few points:
1. Senator, if you are REALLY concerned, STOP FLYING. Take the first step Senator! Show us all that you are no hypocrite.
2. There has been no increase in number Hurricanes (see Some scientists even argue that IF global warming were real, the number of hurricanes could drop. Since 2004 the following 4 seasons have been quite mild. And see what the NOAA said yesterday here:
3. 2009 has been a mild year for Tornados. (See, e.g.
4. Tens of thousands of scientists disagree about whether global warming is real (see and see on the US Senate site, with more scientists doubting than who wrote the original UN report.).
The citizens of Michigan have elected a real WINNER in Senator Debbie Stabenow! Talk about being out of touch with reality, “feeling” global warming from an airplane.
I “feel” that Senator Debbie Stabenow has a sub-room temperature (pre-Global Warming room temperature) IQ. Senator Stabenow, if you are really representing Michigan, look at the number of jobs Cap and Trade (aka Cap and Tax) will cost your state.
“I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill,’” said Conyers.
“What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”
I guess, who cares what we’re voting on is Conyers philosophy. What a disgrace to the United States Congress.
If the Senators and Representatives can not UNDERSTAND THE BILL, it plainly is a TERRIBLE THING.