“A free country has no fear of anyone coming in or going out. But a welfare state must be scared to death of rich people getting out and poor people coming in.” — Harry Browne
“A free country has no fear of anyone coming in or going out. But a welfare state must be scared to death of rich people getting out and poor people coming in.” — Harry Browne
“Apparently, I’m supposed to be more angry about what Mitt does with HIS money, than what Barry O does with mine.” – David Burge
Bill Maher: “Toothless Tuesday too tight to tally!” – talking about Alabama and Mississippi.
Roseanne Barr : “I was really disheartened to see how Pelosi’s daughter& Bill Maher portrayed southern americans-classism at its best by H’wood elitists. … southern folk are not all toothless idiots or racists, unlike what bill maher &pelosi’s daughter want us to think.”
Good for Roseanne!
Cut a check and shut up, that’s what I say, okay? I’m tired of hearing about it. He wants to pay more taxes, pay more.”
Chris Christie, February 22, 2012 on Warren Buffett aka “The Hypocrite of Omaha”
The unemployment rate was 4.4% on 12/31/2006, three days before Democrats took total control of the 110th Congress on 1/3/2007.
If you win this case, then there is nothing to prevent the police or the government from monitoring 24 hours a day the public movement of every citizen of the United States. So if you win, you suddenly produce what sounds like 1984 from their brief.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, November 8, 2011
I’ve tried poor and I tried rich and I like rich better. It doesn’t mean that I am a bad guy. I didn’t go in to business to create a public policy success for either party, Republican or Democrat. I went in business to create jobs and opportunity, create opportunity, create value for myself and my investors. And that’s what the president should be praising, not demagoguing us simply because Warren Buffet says he pays more than his secretary. He should pay the secretary more and she will pay more.
Robert Johnson, BET Founder. October 2, 2011
The Washington Post states in an article today that:
“There is a certain amount of racial loyalty and party loyalty, but eventually that was going to have to weaken,” said Andra Gillespie, a political scientist at Emory University, who studies African Americans.
“Racial Loyalty”??? Is that the new PC term for racism? When the KKK and the NAZIs talk about “racial loyalty” it is negative and it should be for anyone who cares more for skin color than character.
“I would love nothing more than compromise. But I would say to you that compromise that’s not a solution is a waste of time. If my house was on fire, I can’t compromise about which part of the house I’m going to save. You save the whole house or it will all burn down. We either save this country or we do not. And to save it, we must seek solutions.”
Senator Marco Rubio, U.S. Senate Floor Speech, July 30, 2011
See YouTube at about 13:41.
Following through on a campaign promise, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law Monday easing access to privately funded financial aid for undocumented college students. — LA Times
“Undocumented”. I love the doublespeak. Right out of 1984.
They are here ILLEGALLY. I guess Governor Brown thinks it is better to hide the truth in order to maintain his own power. Power-hungry politician at his best. It is a disgrace that a Governor who is sworn to uphold the LAW just ignores it so blatantly. And worse, encourages law-breakers. What is wrong with the people of California who elected this clown?