Category Archives: elections

Obama care is Unconstitutional

Anyone who has read the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, Anti-Federalist Papers and other historical documents knows that Obama Care is Unconstitutional.  That much is completely clear.  The question is whether the Supreme Court will rule it so or whether the power-hungry politicians have put enough of their ilk in the Court to vote with them.

The Constitution is not a document of “compromise”.  It is a document of absolutes.

The Constitution was written as a document of enumerated powers and not enumerated liberties for a reason.  Since the early 1900s power-hungry people have wanted to corrupt that fine divide away in order to take freedom away from the citizens and concentrate it with an elite.

You are free or your are not.  There is no way to compromise on it unless you want to compromise your freedom away.
The people who want “compromise” today between the parties today are dupes, or complicit in eroding our Constitutionally guaranteed freedom.  One does not compromise with ones destroyers.  One fights for freedom or becomes chattel.

Rick Santorum’s only hope

Rick Santorum’s only hope right now is to team with Newt Gingrich.  Santorum needs to talk to Newt and say, “look, we need to team up.  You and I on the ticket together. Right now.  Otherwise Mitt Romney ties up the nomination in April.”

Will it happen?  Doubtful, but if not, there is little chance for Santorum in the long term.

(Of course he could do the same with Ron Paul, however the differences in their positions make that seem unlikely).

Warrantless 24 hour per day monitoring

Police can place a GPS device on your car to follow all of your movements, for any length of time. The Supreme Court on Tuesday is scheduled to hear arguments about whether investigators need to get a warrant before doing so.  [Obama Administration] Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. told the Supreme Court that “any individual who moves on public roadways knows that his movements can be readily observed.”


If there is no judicial oversight for monitoring of the citizens of the United States, get ready for continual, 24 hour continuous monitoring of everyone’s movements.  It may not occur this year or next, but once the door is open, history shows it will happen.

One can hope the United States Supreme Court stands up for the Constitution since the President is not doing so.


You save the whole house or it will all burn down. We either save this country or we do not. And to save it, we must seek solutions. Marco Rubio

“I would love nothing more than compromise. But I would say to you that compromise that’s not a solution is a waste of time.  If my house was on fire, I can’t compromise about which part of the house I’m going to save. You save the whole house or it will all burn down.  We either save this country or we do not.  And to save it, we must seek solutions.” 

Senator Marco Rubio, U.S. Senate Floor Speech, July 30, 2011



See YouTube at about 13:41.

“Undocumented” – doublespeak. Right out of 1984.

Following through on a campaign promise, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law Monday easing access to privately funded financial aid for undocumented college students. — LA Times

“Undocumented”. I love the doublespeak. Right out of 1984.

They are here ILLEGALLY. I guess Governor Brown thinks it is better to hide the truth in order to maintain his own power. Power-hungry politician at his best. It is a disgrace that a Governor who is sworn to uphold the LAW just ignores it so blatantly. And worse, encourages law-breakers. What is wrong with the people of California who elected this clown?

Extremist Democrat Demagogues in Washington reach new heights (or low?)

Will the extremist Democrat Demagogues in Washington be financially responsible?  Will the sun go dark at noon tomorrow?  This week the President has reached a new low in demagoguery.

The President demagogues about the rich and their jets while a Democrat controlled House and filibuster-proof Senate passed with President Obama’s signature, the very  provisions President Obama is complaining about.

This goes to show how far the extremist Democrat demagogues in Washington go to hold on to their own power instead of doing what is right and responsible.

The extreme spenders in Washington are more concerned about their own power rather than financial responsibility.  The height of extremist foot-dragging has come from the President this week.

Banks and “investors” who fund socialists should be forced the bear costs of doing so.

“Greek Socialists hold emergency talks on austerity”

Banks and “investors” who fund socialists should be forced the bear costs of doing so.  Perhaps they will be more careful in the future – as Thatcher said, eventually they run out of other people’s money.  Now they are trying to get “other people’s money” from the IMF and EU.


“Can any of you seriously say the Bill of Rights could get through Congress today? It wouldn’t even get out of committee.” ~ F. Lee Bailey

“Can any of you seriously say the Bill of Rights could get through Congress today? It wouldn’t even get out of committee.” ~ F. Lee Bailey


True and sad.  For the last 90 years those in charge have betrayed the founding principals of the United States.