Category Archives: First Amendment

Last year, almost 1,800 people renounced their U.S. citizenship or handing in their Green Cards.

(Reuters) – A year ago, in Action Comics, Superman declared plans to renounce his U.S. citizenship.

Last year, almost 1,800 people followed Superman’s lead, renouncing their U.S. citizenship or handing in their Green Cards. That’s a record number since the Internal Revenue Service began publishing a list of those who renounced in 1998. It’s also almost eight times more than the number of citizens who renounced in 2008, and more than the total for 2007, 2008 and 2009 combined.

Toothless Tuesday too tight to tally-Bill Maher

Bill Maher: “Toothless Tuesday too tight to tally!” – talking about Alabama and Mississippi.

Roseanne Barr : “I was really disheartened to see how Pelosi’s daughter& Bill Maher portrayed southern americans-classism at its best by H’wood elitists. … southern folk are not all toothless idiots or racists, unlike what bill maher &pelosi’s daughter want us to think.”

Good for Roseanne!

Warrantless 24 hour per day monitoring

Police can place a GPS device on your car to follow all of your movements, for any length of time. The Supreme Court on Tuesday is scheduled to hear arguments about whether investigators need to get a warrant before doing so.  [Obama Administration] Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. told the Supreme Court that “any individual who moves on public roadways knows that his movements can be readily observed.”


If there is no judicial oversight for monitoring of the citizens of the United States, get ready for continual, 24 hour continuous monitoring of everyone’s movements.  It may not occur this year or next, but once the door is open, history shows it will happen.

One can hope the United States Supreme Court stands up for the Constitution since the President is not doing so.


Extremist Democrat Demagogues in Washington reach new heights (or low?)

Will the extremist Democrat Demagogues in Washington be financially responsible?  Will the sun go dark at noon tomorrow?  This week the President has reached a new low in demagoguery.

The President demagogues about the rich and their jets while a Democrat controlled House and filibuster-proof Senate passed with President Obama’s signature, the very  provisions President Obama is complaining about.

This goes to show how far the extremist Democrat demagogues in Washington go to hold on to their own power instead of doing what is right and responsible.

The extreme spenders in Washington are more concerned about their own power rather than financial responsibility.  The height of extremist foot-dragging has come from the President this week.

FCC coordinated ‘Net Neutrality’ with anti-liberty group and Marxist

“Documents made public yesterday by Judicial Watch describe extensive collusion by Federal Communications Commission officials with a left-wing advocacy group in a campaign to expand government regulation of the Internet.”  FCC control could give the FCC the ability to regulate content.  You may like that not if you are an Obama fan, but the short answer is, no one should control the Internet.   Read more

“Can any of you seriously say the Bill of Rights could get through Congress today? It wouldn’t even get out of committee.” ~ F. Lee Bailey

“Can any of you seriously say the Bill of Rights could get through Congress today? It wouldn’t even get out of committee.” ~ F. Lee Bailey


True and sad.  For the last 90 years those in charge have betrayed the founding principals of the United States.

CBS Bob Schieffer calls Trump a racist for discussing racism

Schieffer stated that Trump’s questions about Obama’s school grades were an ‘ugly strain of racism’.

Let’s see how this works.  Colleges admissions departments can treat people differently due to the color of their skin. Rephrased, colleges can discriminate against one group of people due to their ‘race’.  Apparently CBS’ Bob Schieffer thinks that racist behavior is acceptable.  However, if you discuss that fact that people can be treated differently by college admission departments, you are a racist.  According to an illogical, Schieffer, the discriminatory action itself is not racist, but discussing the act is racist.

Welcome to the insane 1984-ish world of racist CBS News anchors where discussing discrimination based on skin color is racist while discriminating based on skin color is not.


“our belief that those who benefited most from our way of life can afford to give back a little bit more” – Obama

It’s a basic reflection of our belief that those who benefited most from our way of life can afford to give back a little bit more. Moreover, this belief hasn’t hindered the success of those at the top of the income scale, they continue to do better and better with each passing year,” President Obama said at an address about the budget at George Washington University. April 2011

Mr. President, “give” means voluntary.  “Gifts” do not occur at the point of a gun.


Where’s the Birth Certificate? What does “natural born citizen” mean?

The question is what does “natural born citizen” mean?  Since Reconstruction, it has usually meant one parent was a United States citizen.  Plainly President Obama meets the requirements if those are the criteria.  There have been arguments as to whether that is the definition for President or what the Constitution means, but ignoring that for now, the real question is if the President has nothing to hide, why has he spent so much money and effort to hide his birth certificate?

It is amazing that so many people are ignorant an uninformed and they work in the media, starting with The New York Times.  The press has decided to ignore important questions, and carry water for the White House.  Let’s be clear:

1. A certification of live birth is not a birth certificate, contrary to what George Stephanopoulos seems to think.

2. If there is nothing to hide, release the birth certificate.

3. Write a letter to the Governor of Hawaii and ask them to release it.

4. Stop spending millions of dollars to stop its release.

Where is the media asking WHY is the President hiding the information?

One wonders what this book will show: