Category Archives: Freedom

Who is being sold out? The unemployed and the rest of the country!

“If anything, this debate underscores the necessity of passing comprehensive immigration reform and resolving the issue of 12 million undocumented people living and working in this country once and for all.” President Obama, September 16, 2009

Now, in Washington-speak “undocumented” means that they are here illegally – they broke the law of the United States to get here.  So 12 million people came here seeking freedom and opportunity that they didn’t have in their own country, but their first act here was to break the law.

Now consider that approximately 13.2 million people were unemployed in April 2009 and around 14.9 million in August 2009 for a 9.7 percent unemployment rate.

14.9 million minus 12 million equals 2.9 million.  What is the unemployment rate then?

There is nothing wrong with immigration, but make it legal.

ObamaCare logos for health insurance companies

Some suggested logos and slogans for US Health Care companies who are hoping to survive ObamaCare, the second image adds Geico and Aflac’s suggested versions – both groups remain since the second one is less kid-friendly:

Humana: Bureaucracy when you need it least

UnitedHealthcare: Healing health care. Together. With Death Panels.

Czar Permanente of CA

Aetna:  We want to control you

Statist Farm: And like a good commie,Statist Farm is there

Blue Cross/Red Sickle

Allstatist:  Your in big brother’s hands.

Cigna: Live well. Think Well.  Dream Well.  OR ELSE.

Lieco: A 15 month wait could save us 50% or more!

Alf*&ced (Aflac)

Suggested Insurance Company Logos
Suggested Insurance Company Logos

I will vote adamantly against the interests of my district if I actually think what I am doing is going to be helpful.

I will vote adamantly against the interests of my district if I actually think what I am doing is going to be helpful. Representative Eric Massa (D- NY). August 15, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA (

One usually thinks that people know what is best for themselves.  It is called liberty. Gotta love this guy.

Town Meeting/Town Hall Slogans

Back in April we had Tea Party Slogans, now here are some town meeting slogans:

Obama Lies, Grandma Dies!

Your health plans make me sick!

If socialized medicine is best…why didn’t Ted Kennedy go to Canada?

If Congress likes Obamacare so much, why don’t they test drive it first?

[] Universal Healthcare [] Freedom.  You can only pick one!

Stop!  You’re starting to scare George Orwell!

I am sick and tired of people who call you unpatriotic if you debate this administration’s policies.  We should stand up and say, we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration! – Hillary Clinon

You can’t fix stupid, but you can vote it out!

It doesn’t matter what the sign says, they’ll say its racist anyway!

Barack Obama is his heart is bigger than any heart in the world

This man is extremely smart – he can communicate [with a teleprompter], but the best part of Barack Obama is his heart is bigger than any heart in the world. – Senator Harry Reid, May 26, 2009

Obama tries to demonstrated that his heart is bigger by spending the fruit of your lives.  It is easy to have a “bigger” heart when you are giving away other people’s money, and consequently the hours of their lives, without having to work for it.

After all the politicians in the South thought the slave owners had big hearts too – all funded on the backs of the slaves, and all “for a good cause, and fairness.”  Of course, if you ask “fair to whom” and “fair based on who’s judgment” the entire facade then fell apart.

Note that you never hear talk about how it is “fair” to let people work for themselves and keep the products of their own work.  In the modern political lexicon, keeping the fruit of your labors is “unfair” on its face.  When one side has the position of government control of your lives and the other has no principled opposition, it merely becomes a bargaining war over who can buy votes through government hand-outs and the side of big government can always do that.

La Raza on Sonia Sotomayor

Today is a monumental day for Latinos. Finally, we see ourselves represented on the highest court in the land. Janet Murguia, National Council of La Raza (“The Race” aka NCLR) President/CEO, May 27, 2009

If the name “La Raza” (‘The Race”) isn’t crazy enough, the concept of a United States citizen being at all concerned about race is completely insane. If Ms Murguia is more concerned about her “race” than about the United States, we would like to suggest she go elsewhere.  Perhaps back in time before 1865 where there were so many open racists.  She should feel quite at home.  And Sonia Sotomayor should be equally at home with the racist, sexist bigots who were so common at the time.  The Supreme Court is supposed to be about laws, not about race or skin color or gender.

In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American… There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people. Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Anderson’s ‘Buy Black’ becomes a national racist movement!

Maggie and John Anderson of Chicago vowed four months ago that for one year, they would try to patronize only black-owned businesses. The “Empowerment Experiment” is the reason John had to suffer for hours with a stomach ache and Maggie no longer gets that brand-name lather when she washes her hair. … Now, the Andersons are following up with 4,000 people who signed up for the experiment on their Web site to gauge their commitment and set up online accounts to track their spending.

Can you imagine the outrage if anyone started a “Buy White” movement?  Instead, let’s try a “buy human” experiment?  Only buy from human owned businesses.  Every other distinction is racist. Continue reading Anderson’s ‘Buy Black’ becomes a national racist movement!

Powell calls for centrism, cares little for Liberty

Colin Powell called for a more centrist Republican party on Tuesday (May 5, 2009).  Whether Powell is a dupe or a closet statist isn’t clear yet, but it looks to be the later.

Mr. Powell, when you cave in on principles and on the defense of liberty you lose.  Perhaps you didn’t realize you were fighting for the freedom Continue reading Powell calls for centrism, cares little for Liberty

UAW and Unions versus the rule of law

In relation to the automobile industry (with the exception of Ford), Buy American is now un-American.  That is if you think America stands for freedom, the rule of law, and due process.  The UAW and the Obama Administration are acting like mobsters, shaking down senior secured bond-holders in order to pay-off a political constituency, the Unions.  The only difference between mobsters and their actions is that instead of having the gun visible, the gun is held by the government.

The hedge funds and other investment vehicles that own the secured debt -which, according to the LAW, gets paid before unsecured holders- have just as many “regular people” albeit one step removed, as do the UAW retirees.  But the UAW is a favored group, and a visible group Continue reading UAW and Unions versus the rule of law