President Obama has proposed a 1.4 % pay increase for active duty military in 2011. This is the LOWEST since 1973. Nice to know that during a time of rampant inflation, while a war is fought in 2 theatres, our men and women in uniform get a LOWER PAY INCREASE THAN WELFARE RECIPIENTS. — from K.P.L.
When the parasites can vote themselves a bigger bite from the host, they will do so. The law is supposed to protect you and your life from being voted into subservience, but when the law is used instead to steal from a disarmed population, the law has been perverted. Today many people believe the concept of personal responsibility means expecting someone else to pay for you and what you believe you “need.”
Today, the parasites are in control and the parasites have realized they can vote themselves a bigger bite from the host. And the chief parasites in Washington want to maintain control by directing where the rest of the parasites can take their bite based on how you are favored – from the filet portion or the keister.
“The US government’s policy of leaving the Internet alone is over, according to Obama’s top official at the Department of Commerce.” Assistant Secretary Larry Strickling, The Register and see the NTIA presentation.
The internet is too powerful for governments that want to control the thoughts of their population to leave alone. Along with the extension of the Patriot Act (, the Obama Administration arguing in Federal Court that there is no “reasonable expectation of privacy” on cell phones – funny, we missed the ACLU, EFF, and the press having conniptions about the Democrat controlled Congress and Democrat President signing the extension – Washington has a nice tight grip on the communications of the country.
But, it is nice to have “government oversight” over everything – you wouldn’t want to do something without permission would you?
You’re right, uh, there was an imbalance on the opening statements because I’m the President and so I made, uh, I didn’t, I didn’t count my time in terms of dividing it evenly. President Obama, February 25, 2010, 11:43am EST.
I guess this explains why the time was 2 to 1 in for a “summit.”
“Detroit Mayor Dave Bing said Wednesday he “absolutely” intends to relocate residents from desolate neighborhoods and is bracing for inevitable legal challenges when he unveils his downsizing plan.” Detroit News, February 25, 2010
With all due respect to the Mayor, the time has come to break Detroit up. Big cities that can’t support themselves are ripe to be broken up into smaller, more responsive, less corrupt areas that will take into account the will of their residents.
Moving people out of “blighted” areas by force? This sounds like something out of East Germany and the USSR. Mr Mayor, this is a free country and this type of action is something that Stalin or Mao would do.
Pro-growth policies and smaller government are the only way to save and revitalize Detroit (and other large cities). More of the same old failed policies -and worse, as this one is- will only lead to more people leaving the city.
The televised debate today between the parasites and those who want freedom will be taking place to day in Washington, DC. One can only hope that freedom prevails. If the “center” is between freedom and statism then who wants to be in the center? There is no “middle ground” between you and your enslavers. There is no middle ground between you and your destroyers.
One wonders why these people don’t want to take responsibility for themselves and expect to be treated as children who need to be taken care of by someone else.
“He says ‘I’m for clean coal,’ and then he says it in his speeches, but he doesn’t say it in here. And he doesn’t say it in the minds of my own people. And he’s beginning to not be believable to me.” ” Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia.
If President Bush had said “corpse man” instead of “corps man” the press would have been all over it. Instead the stenographers in Washington ignore it. I should say, the “Press Corpse” in Washington ignores it.
How appropriate that the President would refer to them as the “Press Corpse” – they are dead to their jobs and let personal biases guide their reporting.
Please do not be cynical. I hate cynicism. For the record its my least favorite quality. It doesn’t lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you are kind amazing things will happen. I’m telling you, amazing things will happen. Its just true.
Conan O’Brien, January 22, 2010, ending his run on The Tonight Show
Today I resolve to only listen to those who by their words and actions only judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, religion, or gender, racists and sexists, in short.
I will no longer hear people who worry about whether someone is a “light skinned Negro” without a “dialect.” Senator Harry Reid (D, Nevada). Racist!
I will no longer hear people who call their grandmother a “typical white person.” Barack Obama (D-Illinois). Racist!
I will no longer hear people who state “a wise Latina woman … would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male.” Justice Sotomayor (D). Sexist and Racist!