Category Archives: personal responsibility

Sotomayor stated her “wise woman” statement many times

The Obama administration claimed that Sotomayor’s statement about a wise latina woman making a better decision than a white man were “a poor choice of words” earlier this week.

Unfortunately for the Obama administration’s honesty deparment, she has used the phrase repeatedly so her poor choice of words continued over years.  Her filings to the Senate show it was a regular refrain over years.  See

At least the sexist, racist, bigot Sonia Sotomayor was a consistent sexist, racist bigot.  Kudos to Sotomayor for consistency.

Barack Obama is his heart is bigger than any heart in the world

This man is extremely smart – he can communicate [with a teleprompter], but the best part of Barack Obama is his heart is bigger than any heart in the world. – Senator Harry Reid, May 26, 2009

Obama tries to demonstrated that his heart is bigger by spending the fruit of your lives.  It is easy to have a “bigger” heart when you are giving away other people’s money, and consequently the hours of their lives, without having to work for it.

After all the politicians in the South thought the slave owners had big hearts too – all funded on the backs of the slaves, and all “for a good cause, and fairness.”  Of course, if you ask “fair to whom” and “fair based on who’s judgment” the entire facade then fell apart.

Note that you never hear talk about how it is “fair” to let people work for themselves and keep the products of their own work.  In the modern political lexicon, keeping the fruit of your labors is “unfair” on its face.  When one side has the position of government control of your lives and the other has no principled opposition, it merely becomes a bargaining war over who can buy votes through government hand-outs and the side of big government can always do that.

La Raza on Sonia Sotomayor

Today is a monumental day for Latinos. Finally, we see ourselves represented on the highest court in the land. Janet Murguia, National Council of La Raza (“The Race” aka NCLR) President/CEO, May 27, 2009

If the name “La Raza” (‘The Race”) isn’t crazy enough, the concept of a United States citizen being at all concerned about race is completely insane. If Ms Murguia is more concerned about her “race” than about the United States, we would like to suggest she go elsewhere.  Perhaps back in time before 1865 where there were so many open racists.  She should feel quite at home.  And Sonia Sotomayor should be equally at home with the racist, sexist bigots who were so common at the time.  The Supreme Court is supposed to be about laws, not about race or skin color or gender.

In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American… There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people. Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Obama White House snubs kindergarteners for NFL Players

More than 100 kindergarteners were from Conway Elementary School in Stafford County, VA were snubbed by the White House.  They were “a little later than planned,”  and arrived at 10:25am “just 10 minutes late for their scheduled tour” instead of 10:15am.  The White House says they were supposed to be there at 9:30am and that they held the gates open until 10:30am.
Some notes:
1. It is good to see that the union teachers and the parents are lying about when they were supposed to be there.  They say 10:15am and the White House says 9:30am.  The White House could not possibly lie in order to save face.
2. It is also nice to see that the union teachers MUST be lying that they were there 10:25am when the White House says they weren’t there before 10:30am.
Lessons for the kids:
1. Get there early for something this important.  Do a dry run if you aren’t sure about the time it will take and then add extra to that.
2. It is acceptable to be late to most engagements if you are the President, but no one else can.  Do as I say, not as I do.  The Imperial Presidency.
The kindergarteners should be crying, but not because they didn’t get a tour of the White House. Cry about the things that matter: TRILLIONS IN DEBT.  Socialize Medicine. Loss of Liberty.

47 Million Uninsured? The numbers

Looking at the raw numbers for the “47 million uninsured” number:

  • 18 million: Can afford it but have not purchased it
  • 8.4 million: 18-25 years old
  • 12.6 million: Illegal aliens
  • 9.4 million: between jobs and temporarily uninsured
  • 8 million: Kids covered, but parents haven’t signed them up
  • 3.5 million: eligible for government health programs, but not signed up.

There is some overlap between the figures so the total is nearly 60 million, but anyone who looks at the numbers can see that the 47 million figure is just meant to make the problem seem like something that it is not.

[Note that the numbers will obviously vary day-to-day and month-to-month, but the broad picture has been the same for years.]

President Obama stood for change, but all he has done is brought negative economic change…hypocrisy shown by this administration.

I am disappointed at the hypocrisy shown by this administration.  President Obama is coming to Las Vegas later this month for a political fundraiser, but he will not help the struggling families in Las Vegas and Nevada who are out of work because of his reckless comments [comments in early 2009 regarding Las Vegas business trips].  … [A]pparently our money is good enough for the President, but our tourism, jobs, and economic future are not. This is politics, pure and simple, President Obama stood for change, but all he has done is brought negative economic change to Nevada.   Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons, May 18, 2009


Senator Specter’s idea of Justice is Purely Political

“There’s still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner.” Senator Arlen Specter, (D-PA) to Deborah Solomon, New York Times, paper date May 10, 2009, on-line May 5th. (NYTimes)

“Last night I came to him and I said ‘Arlen what’s all this about?’ And he said ‘I forgot what team I was on.‘” – Senator Reid, CNN with Wolf Blitzer, May 6, 2009, (YouTube video from CNN)

So Senator Specter who stated he wanted the Minnesota court to do “justice” tells Senator Reid later that his answer was because he forgot what team he was on?  Since when should justice depend on what political party Specter belongs to?  When you have a power-hungry Senator!  What an embarrassment to the people of Pennsylvania and the United States.

UAW and Unions versus the rule of law

In relation to the automobile industry (with the exception of Ford), Buy American is now un-American.  That is if you think America stands for freedom, the rule of law, and due process.  The UAW and the Obama Administration are acting like mobsters, shaking down senior secured bond-holders in order to pay-off a political constituency, the Unions.  The only difference between mobsters and their actions is that instead of having the gun visible, the gun is held by the government.

The hedge funds and other investment vehicles that own the secured debt -which, according to the LAW, gets paid before unsecured holders- have just as many “regular people” albeit one step removed, as do the UAW retirees.  But the UAW is a favored group, and a visible group Continue reading UAW and Unions versus the rule of law

Publicity Hounds from Sarah Jane Brain Foundation and Jennipher Dickens

You have to wonder what is going on at the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation. Jennipher Dickens and the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation sent out email this morning (see excerpts below) complaining about the “soul of your [Apple and AT&T] organizations” after a 3rd party wrote an iPhone application called “Baby Shaker.”  The application was removed from the iPhone App Store quickly once it was pointed out how stupid it was.  But that wasn’t enough for them.  It looks like  another attempt to shake-down corporations to support their cause.  The cause, while certainly sympathetic, isn’t well served with tactics like this in my opinion.

SJB Foundation has demanded a response or is threatening a demonstration outside 15 Apple Stores. Seems like the typical tactic when an opportunity comes up: threaten protests, send out emails to get publicity, get a donation or ten from big companies. For a group that is supposed to be doing good work it is extremely disappointing to see  the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation resort to something like this, while I do not doubt their sincerity, shakedowns are not a way to get positive press.

In this case, the “soul of [the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation] organization” seems to be the part lacking.  Positive, useful, productive yes, shakedowns of corporations, no.  Who is in favor of child abuse?  No one in their right minds, but something like this from them?  In short, a very disappointing message from the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation.  Blaming Apple and AT&T for the actions of individuals who have harmed children and babies is insane.

Excerpts below:

The Sarah Jane Brain Foundation held a news conference today outside the Apple Store in downtown Manhattan releasing the letter below to the Boards of Directors of Apple and AT&T. Just about every television network was represented at the news conference so watch your local evening news tonight for complete coverage. While Apple has removed the “BABY SHAKER” app from its online store, Steve Jobs and Randall Stephenson have not issued a personal public apology, Apple has not issued a full accounting of how this was vetted and launched and Apple and AT&T have not offered a significant plan to mitigate the damages they have done to prevent child abuse.

If we do not receive an adequate response from Apple and AT&T by the time we begin our 15-city American PABI Tour on May 3rd ( – to promote awareness and support families who are dealing with PABI) we will hold a demonstration in front of the Apple Store in all 15 cities.

Tea Party Slogans

Some of the signs from the tea parties across the United States earlier today:

Spread my Work Ethic, not my wealth!

Change…giving freeloaders some of what YOU have worked hard for!

Help me Obama, They want me to work and stuff!

Cut taxes, not deals

What part of “limited powers” do you not understand?

It’s my birthday, and all Obama got me was more debt!

It’s my birthday, and all Obama got me was more taxes!

Why make a corrupt government even BIGGER?

Why should I pay for your bad decisions?

Party like its 1773

Obamanomics – Trickle up poverty

Term Limits for Congress!

A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. George Bernard Shaw

No tax cuts for non-taxpayers!

Cut taxes, NOT more deal$

Freedom Works! Continue reading Tea Party Slogans