Kamala Harris: A Threat to Individual Liberty

Kamala Harris embodies the dangerous fusion of power and pragmatism, a force that undermines the very essence of individual liberty. Her policies are rooted in the premise that the state, not the individual, is the rightful arbiter of success and morality. Harris advocates for expansive government control, from economic redistribution to the regulation of speech and personal choice, all in the name of equality. But equality under compulsion is not justice—it is the negation of the individual mind, the sacrifice of the achiever to the collective. In her worldview, success is suspect, and power is a tool to reshape society into the image of bureaucratic whim. Such a leader is a threat to freedom, for she exalts force over reason, and the collective over the sovereign individual.

The Dangers of Modern Monetary Theory Explained

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is the quintessential embodiment of collectivist delusion. It arrogantly assumes that wealth can be conjured from the ether by the mere printing of paper, disregarding the fundamental law of nature: that value must be created by productive effort. MMT is the attempt to sever money from its true purpose—serving as a medium of exchange for goods earned through individual labor and enterprise. In the hands of the state, MMT becomes a weapon of force, allowing bureaucrats to siphon wealth from the industrious to finance the failures of those who would live at others’ expense. It is the destruction of the mind and the reward of mediocrity—a path to the erosion of freedom and the triumph of the parasite over the producer.

Individual Rights and Today's Issue