Tag Archives: freedom

Kamala Harris: A Threat to Individual Liberty

Kamala Harris embodies the dangerous fusion of power and pragmatism, a force that undermines the very essence of individual liberty. Her policies are rooted in the premise that the state, not the individual, is the rightful arbiter of success and morality. Harris advocates for expansive government control, from economic redistribution to the regulation of speech and personal choice, all in the name of equality. But equality under compulsion is not justice—it is the negation of the individual mind, the sacrifice of the achiever to the collective. In her worldview, success is suspect, and power is a tool to reshape society into the image of bureaucratic whim. Such a leader is a threat to freedom, for she exalts force over reason, and the collective over the sovereign individual.

Meeting in the middle is what cause the US to move from a government of enumerated powers to one of enumerated liberties.

Meeting in the middle is what cause the US to move from a government of enumerated powers to one of enumerated liberties.

Protection of freedom is absolute. There is no middle. It is like telling the democrat party to meet in the middle regarding slavery: there was no middle, particularly for the slaves they kept.

If you like a centralized, reversible, censorable, seizable, non-pseudo-anonymous, inflationary currency

If you like a centralized, reversible, censorable, seizable, non-pseudo-anonymous, inflationary currency who’s value is set by the whim of people, then the digital dollar is what you want.  

If you want to preserve your wealth and freedom, then you will realize that bitcoin and the digital dollar as opposites – except that they both are “digital”.

the products of someone else’s life – is no different than it was when they were owning slaves

The philosophy of the democrat party – their need justifies the seizure of the products of someone else’s life – is no different than it was when they were owning slaves, they are just using third parties and flowery language to attempt to justify it. And failing. It truly isn’t need, it is their whims or their desires.

The Democrat party today is the party of both victims and victimizers. Everyone is both a victim and victimizing someone else to try to get ahead.

Instead of free people, making free decisions it is the party of a dog-eat-dog philosophy where everyone’s life and property is held only at the whim of someone else.

WYDEN: “I can’t imagine the Supreme Court wants to give the wealthiest people on earth billions in tax cuts.”

Let’s parse “I can’t imagine the Supreme Court wants to give the wealthiest people on earth billions in tax cuts”. There is no annual billionaires wealth tax or taxes on unrealized gains yet. Wyden says that NOT TAXING PEOPLE is a tax cut? Is anyone paying attention to his stupidity? So every year that 100% of your income is not taxed, you got a tax cut. There are grave constitutional issues for imposing taxes on unrealized gains, does anyone in DC care?

Is he the dumbest person in the Senate? Perhaps, but there is plenty of competition.

It won’t be long until this impacting “a few hundred” people is “a few hundred million people.” Remember the $400,000 cutoff is where one is rich or not.

“Build Back Better” is an Orwellian name if ever there was one. The Democrat party and many of their voters believe that your life and the products of it may be disposed of at their whim. The same justification that led to their defense of slavery, just in the third party now: it isn’t “we need it”, it is “someone else’s need justifies taking the hours of your life.”

See https://apple.news/Ad7K0nNcDSTqPQrIlsaFx3A

p.s. If you want to destroy a country and liberty, debase the currency. The degree to which the currency is debased will be proportional to the destruction. MMT is insanity masquerading as economics.

Facist biden admin wants to know every bank transaction from every person

“The proposal would require banks to report to the IRS every deposit and withdrawal from an account, including transactions from Venmo, PayPal, crypto exchanges and the like in an effort to fight tax evasion. The IRS would know how much money is in an individual’s bank account in a given year, whether the individual earned income on that account and exactly how much was going in an and out. One key prong of President Biden’s plan to bankroll Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget plan is to monitor every inflow and outflow of an individual’s bank account. “

Perhaps they should install cameras in every bedroom and bathroom to make sure no one is doing anything illegal in there too? No curtains.

Microphones in every room and on you continuously so that they can monitor our speech for “hate speech”.

Of course the socialists and communists love this too.

So much for the 4th Amendment.

The authoritarian fascists want: No medical autonomy. No privacy. No freedom of speech. No border control. No fiscal responsibility.
