D.C. Police Abuse Man in Wheelchair

D.C. Police Abuse Man in Wheelchair by throwing him to the ground and then they leave him there. Where they afraid he’d run? Talk about out of control. Again these are not police officers, but pigs and should be fired.

The D.C. police issued a statement that included stating that “the patron resisted arrest which resulted in him falling out of his wheelchair.” Now if you watch the video, you will clearly see the police are lying, they guy did not “fall out” of his wheelchair, he was thrown out of the wheelchair.

Philadelphia Police, disgrace to the badge

If you listen to even the first 15 minutes of this tape you will hear the Philadelphia Police talk to a citizen like they are masters.  The Philadelphia Police involved in this should be fired and arrested.  They are a disgrace to the uniform.  There is no excuse for the police to threaten and hold a citizen at gunpoint while the citizen is performing a legal activity.


I am rarely disgusted by the police but these “officers” are the definition of the word “fascist.”  Disgraces to the badge, acting like common thugs, common criminals.  It is no surprise but the police here are unable to speak English without cursing. They make a mockery of their motto of “honor, service, and integrity” – they showed none of them.

The government always says that ignorance of the law is no excuse, that goes doubly when you are supposed to be enforcing it. Exercise your rights or lose them.

You can read more here:


[Health care being a right] means you have a right to come to my house and conscript me. It means you believe in slavery. – Rand Paul

SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): “With regard to the idea of whether you have a right to health care, you have realize what that implies. It’s not an abstraction. I’m a physician. That means you have a right to come to my house and conscript me. It means you believe in slavery.”  May 12, 2011

Sub-prime lending is making a come-back due to Justice Department pressure

Sub-prime lending is making a come-back in some areas due, as before, to government pressure to lend to people unqualified to borrow.

Why don’t some of these people at the non-profits and the government put their OWN MONEY at risk here. If it makes sense to lend money in these areas, they should be happy to do so – they think there is a good reason to loan there and a good rate of return, GO AHEAD.

The question is not skin color, the question is ability to service the loan. If we want a repeat of the sub-prime crisis, repeat the process and force people to loan when it is not safe to do so.

The choice will be: lend less everywhere or lend to people who won’t be able to pay back the loan.

National Tea Party Convention’s William Temple hurts the Tea Party

Fox is running a story, “Tea Party Slams Boehner and Ryan on Debt Ceiling.”  The store includes a picture of William Temple (whomever that is) who is stated to be “chair of the “National Tea Party Convention” (whatever that is) showing him dressed in a costume along with someone else dressed similarly.  Stunts like this do nothing but damage the Tea Party movement. Does he want to be taken seriously? He should not be  dressing like a fool. Taxes, debt etc are serious topics, and trivializing them does no good.

No one is ridiculing free speech here, but Temple trivializes the issues and hurts the tea party movement by dressing like a fool. If Obama or McCain had shown up dressed as a clown in 2008 or Darth Vader, who would take them seriously?  The answer is no one.

It is necessary that one be aware of how people perceive you and these gentlemen do not appear to be aware. Concentrate on ideas, not playing dress-up.  Not all press is good.  This is one example of an occasion when the ideas matter, not stunts.  It makes one question their judgement which is the last thing that the Tea Party needs.  Unless they are intentionally attempting to hurt the Tea Party.

There are numerous Tea Party groups, the National Tea Party Convention and William Temple are doing nothing but damaging the other groups.

The press will look for nuts like him in order to portray the entire Tea Party movement as old, out-of-touch, and touched.

Tea-Parties.com does not support stunts like this either.

CBS Bob Schieffer calls Trump a racist for discussing racism

Schieffer stated that Trump’s questions about Obama’s school grades were an ‘ugly strain of racism’.

Let’s see how this works.  Colleges admissions departments can treat people differently due to the color of their skin. Rephrased, colleges can discriminate against one group of people due to their ‘race’.  Apparently CBS’ Bob Schieffer thinks that racist behavior is acceptable.  However, if you discuss that fact that people can be treated differently by college admission departments, you are a racist.  According to an illogical, Schieffer, the discriminatory action itself is not racist, but discussing the act is racist.

Welcome to the insane 1984-ish world of racist CBS News anchors where discussing discrimination based on skin color is racist while discriminating based on skin color is not.


Rick Hernandez Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office and Jim Coats of Pinellas County disgraces to the badge

Here is video explaining how some Sheriffs in Florida intend to infringe upon the rights of law abiding citizens in the State of Florida, if Florida becomes an open carry State. Rick Hernandez, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, and Jim Coats of Pinellas County are disgraces to the badge for making statements like this. Hernandez states that anyone open carrying will be stopped. “When someone is walking down the street with an exposed gun, nobody knows if they’re legal or not legal. Do they have a permit? Maybe they do maybe they don’t.” No mention of probable cause. There are millions of people driving in Florida every day no one knows if they are legal or legal.  Do they have a license?  Maybe they do, maybe they don’t.  Imagine if you could be stopped in your car just to verify your license? Sounds like a police state.

Jim Coats goes so far as to say “rights need to be granted in a responsible way.” Sheriff Coats, I think you have the United States confused with a Fascist country, perhaps Hitler’s Germany. In the United States, rights are not granted to the people.  Rights are retained by the people.  Privileges are granted, rights are not. Hernandez ends with “If we think that people carrying guns openly makes you safer, I think that is a bad assumption.”  If we are operating on assumptions, I think Sheriffs like these two individuals carrying guns openly makes the entire State of Florida less safe.

Sheriff Rick Hernandez says it will be “very, very cumbersome, and very, very scary” if Florida becomes open carry. “Very cumbersome”? Sorry, Sheriff, if doing your job is “cumbersome” perhaps you should find a different profession? We wouldn’t want to have our rights make your job more difficult now would we. He goes on to state that “our stress level is very high at this point.” Well excuse the public for making you do your job. You don’t like the stress level? Pick another profession.

I do not know who is hiring these Sheriffs and police officers in Florida, but the quality and caliber of the men involved is so low as to be disappointing to anyone in the State.

Remember: when seconds count, the police are just minutes away.  Exercise your rights or lose them.


Individual Rights and Today's Issue