Fascism was the shadow or ugly child of Communism. As Fascism sprang from Communism, so Nazism sprang from Fascism. Winston Churchill

Fascism was the shadow or ugly child of Communism. … As Fascism sprang from Communism, so Nazism sprang from Fascism.

Winston Churchill. The Gathering Storm


Both are totalitarian systems where the government controls everyone and everything “for the common good” – and the good of the masters.

“our belief that those who benefited most from our way of life can afford to give back a little bit more” – Obama

It’s a basic reflection of our belief that those who benefited most from our way of life can afford to give back a little bit more. Moreover, this belief hasn’t hindered the success of those at the top of the income scale, they continue to do better and better with each passing year,” President Obama said at an address about the budget at George Washington University. April 2011

Mr. President, “give” means voluntary.  “Gifts” do not occur at the point of a gun.


Where’s the Birth Certificate? What does “natural born citizen” mean?

The question is what does “natural born citizen” mean?  Since Reconstruction, it has usually meant one parent was a United States citizen.  Plainly President Obama meets the requirements if those are the criteria.  There have been arguments as to whether that is the definition for President or what the Constitution means, but ignoring that for now, the real question is if the President has nothing to hide, why has he spent so much money and effort to hide his birth certificate?

It is amazing that so many people are ignorant an uninformed and they work in the media, starting with The New York Times.  The press has decided to ignore important questions, and carry water for the White House.  Let’s be clear:

1. A certification of live birth is not a birth certificate, contrary to what George Stephanopoulos seems to think.

2. If there is nothing to hide, release the birth certificate.

3. Write a letter to the Governor of Hawaii and ask them to release it.

4. Stop spending millions of dollars to stop its release.

Where is the media asking WHY is the President hiding the information?

One wonders what this book will show:



Man accused of stalking woman kills her-after learning Illinois abolished death penalty

A 20-year-old Canadian man named Dmitry Smirnov methodically stalked and tracked a Westmont woman before killing her Wednesday night in Oak Brook — even stopping to reload his gun and continue shooting during the attack.

“Smirnov had done research on the Internet to determine if Illinois had the death penalty, deciding to go through with Vesel’s murder when he discovered it does not”. – Robert Berlin, DuPage County State’s Attorney, April 14, 2011


A true nut job, but someone who murdered because he knew he could do so.

It would be recklessly naive to go about our business in Washington pretending there won’t be severe consequences for the mountains of debt we are piling up.

It would be recklessly naive to go about our business in Washington pretending there won’t be severe consequences for the mountains of debt we are piling up.  Yet today it is evident that this kind of willful ignorance is sweeping across Washington. We are set to lift our Nation’s debt burden to $14 trillion.  I would ask my colleagues in this chamber if they know how many zeroes 14 trillion has. I would ask the American people if they know how many zeroes are in 14 trillion. It is 14 trillion. It is beyond comprehension to be talking about numbers this big. More precisely, the limit is 1, 4, 2, 9, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. It is a travesty.  The writing is on the wall. Congress needs to wake up and realize that the future of American prosperity is in dire straits, mortal danger. As Americans hunker down to weather the economic storm, Democrats in Congress boosted Federal spending by 12 percent.

February 4, 2010, when the then-Democrat-controlled House of Representatives voted to lift the debt ceiling to $14.294 trillion, then-Minority Whip Eric Cantor


I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office. Obama

We cannot, and will not, sustain deficits like these without end. Contrary to the prevailing wisdom in Washington these past few years, we cannot simply spend as we please and defer the consequences to the next budget, the next administration, or the next generation.

We are paying the price for these deficits right now. In 2008 alone, we paid $250 billion in interest on our debt — one in every 10 taxpayer dollars. That is more than three times what we spent on education that year; more than seven times what we spent on VA health care.

So if we confront this crisis without also confronting the deficits that helped cause it, we risk sinking into another crisis down the road as our interest payments rise, our obligations come due, confidence in our economy erodes, and our children and our grandchildren are unable to pursue their dreams because they’re saddled with our debts.

And that’s why today I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office. This will not be easy. It will require us to make difficult decisions and face challenges we’ve long neglected. But I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay — and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control.  President Obama, February 23, 2009


The sad part is that he is right, but instead of doing what he said, the deficits have continued, become much worse, and will have tripled the national DEBT according to projections.  In short, it is the exact opposite of “A New Era of Responsibility.”   Unfortunately the actions have not followed the words.

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jJvkkNmR_8 and http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/A_New_Era_of_Responsibility


How can they explain that they think it’s fair to force our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren to finance this debt through higher taxes. That’s what it will have to be. Why is it right to increase our nation’s dependence on foreign creditors?

If my Republican friends believe that increasing our debt by almost $800 billion today and more than $3 trillion over the last five years is the right thing to do, they should be upfront about it. They should explain why they think more debt is good for the economy.

How can the Republican majority in this Congress explain to their constituents that trillions of dollars in new debt is good for our economy? How can they explain that they think it’s fair to force our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren to finance this debt through higher taxes. That’s what it will have to be. Why is it right to increase our nation’s dependence on foreign creditors?

They should explain this. Maybe they can convince the public they’re right. I doubt it. Because most Americans know that increasing debt is the last thing we should be doing. After all, I repeat, the Baby Boomers are about to retire. Under the circumstances, any credible economist would tell you we should be reducing debt, not increasing it.Democrats won’t be making argument to supper this legalization, which will weaken our country. Weaken our county.   Senator Harry Reid on raising the debt ceiling, 2006


Senator Reid is right here, debt is not the answer and never has been.

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure….Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.

Worth reprinting:

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”  Senator Obama, March 20, 2006


Then Senator Obama was right then, debt is not the answer and has never been the answer.

Individual Rights and Today's Issue